10 dangerous and banned foods

It has long been known that well-to-do Americans suffer from obesity, which is caused by a poor diet and the consumption of genetically modified foods. At the same time, the danger to human life of some of them has caused a ban on their sale in other countries. ForTrader.org magazine offers you a list of 10 food products that are freely available for sale in the U.S., but are outlawed in other countries.

We recommend that you pay attention to them and, if possible, bypass them, even if you find products from the list in your store!

1. Farm-raised salmon

Farm-raised salmon

If you want to eat fish that are only good for your body, stay as far away from farm-raised salmon as possible. Its wild, naturally occurring species have bright pink colorationwhich is achieved through the consumption of natural carotenoids. But its captive languishing counterpart is fed genetically modified grain and fed various antibiotics and chemicals that are not safe for humans.

As a result of this diet, factory farmed salmon have unsavory grayish flesh, and to make the fish look presentable for sale, inorganic astaxanthin. This substance, made from a petrochemical, is a known poison that can, among other things, damage a person's eyesight.

Forbidden: in Australia and New Zealand.

How can you tell the difference between real salmon and artificially raised salmon?

First of all, by color. The wild species has a bright red or pink coloration, due to the consumption of natural astaxanthin. It is also very elongated, with thin white stripes. If the fish has a pale pink color, and broad marks on the body, you can rest assured, it is a "fabricated" salmon.

Avoid fish labeled "Atlantic Salmon" on the package. We are only interested in options "Alaskan Salmon." (Alaskan salmon) и "Nerka". These species CANNOT be cultivated artificially.

Remember that the vast majority of the restaurant cooks farm-raised salmon.

2. Genetically Engineered Papaya

Genetically Engineered Papaya

Most Hawaiian papayas are genetically engineered to withstand the onslaught of viruses rampant on the islands. But a growing body of research claims that animals that eat genetically engineered foods, such as corn and soybeans, then suffer from a large number of ailments that can be partially transmitted even to the third generation.

Forbidden: in EU countries

Ractopamine-infused meat

Ractopamine-infused meat

Ractopamine began to be used in livestock farming when it was discovered to increase the muscle mass of cattle and decrease the fat content in meat. As a result, this synthetic substance is used in the fattening of 45% American pigs, 30% cattle, and large numbers of turkeys prior to slaughter. About 20% of the meat that U.S. residents buy in supermarkets contains ractopamine.

Over the past 15 years, about 1,700 people have complained of poisoning after eating pork containing ractopamine. No wonder you can't see American meat with the muscle stimulant on the shelves of more than 160 countries around the world! Only this February, Russia stopped importing meat from the United States, resuming it only after Washington began inspecting the products and certifying them.

Meanwhile, meat that horrifies much of the world continues to enter the U.S. market quietly.

Banned: 160 countries, including Russia, China, and members of the European Union

4. Sodas with citrus flavors

Mountain Dew

Fans of the American drink Mountain Dew (Mountain Dew) and similar non-alcoholic citrus-flavored ones, it is better to stop consuming them right now - they contain a sinister synthetic chemical with an English-language name BVO. Among its side effects: rash, loss of appetite, arrhythmia.

In Russia, a lot of folk remedies have been invented for using Fanta drink, including gargling your throat when you're sick, cleaning grease off pans, cleaning your car's carburetor, and other non-trivial ways. Obviously, properties that help car parts live longer are unlikely to prolong your life.

Banned: Europe, Japan

5. Products containing flavorings and colorings

flavorings and colorings

And there are more than 3,000 kinds of flavorings and colorings that can easily be found in American products. Even those intended for toddlers and middle-aged children.

Those countries that have banned products containing flavorings and colorings have replaced them with food additives of natural origin: paprika extract, beet, annatto. The same is demanded in America, but so far without success - potential carcinogens are still easy to find on packaging.

Banned: Austria and Norway. The European Union requires a warning label on products containing flavorings and colorings.

6. Arsenic for the People


In the U.S. they feed without any remorse chickens with stimulants containing arsenic. At the same time, farmers and officials answer all critics that arsenic is organic (inorganic is a known carcinogen), so it is safe, and generally helps poultry grow faster, and the meat has a delicious pink crust.

However, the opponents did not calm down and discovered by walking through the supermarkets that organic arsenic calmly transforms into inorganic arsenic arsenic at various stages of storage of the product containing it. At the same time, the latter, harmful species can still be contained in chicken manure, and from there seep into the soil and end up in crops.

At the same time, arsenic-containing foods have never been allowed to be used for feeding animals in Europe.

Prohibited: In EU countries.

7. Scones from McDonald's

Scones from McDonald's

The average American hardly knows this, but eating a hamburger at a diner or bread at a high-end restaurant is a "treat. bromide saltcontained in the flour. Specifically: potassium bromatewithout which, if we are to believe the baking wretches, we would not get such an elastic dough, capable of taking any shape. However, there are plenty of examples around the world of how baked goods can be made without using a substance that is harmful to the nervous and digestive systems. At the same time, international experts have awarded potassium bromate the status of a potential carcinogen.

Banned: Canada, China, European Union

8. Chips


Thanks to the abundance of advertising and availability in supermarkets, chips are firmly in the lives of young people who give little thought to their harm to the body. The substance Olestraalso known as Oleanis a proprietary development of the world-renowned Procter & Gamble and is used in the production of chips and fries. P&G can hardly boast about their innovation: three years ago Time magazine included it in the list of the 50 worst inventions of all time, and tests of chips containing the substance on rats testified to serious failures in their bodies.

Banned: USA, Canada

9. BHA and BHT preservatives

BHA and BHT preservatives

These substances are widely used in the production of porridge, chewing gum, meat, and beer. And that's just to name a few! BHA has caused cancer in laboratory rats, and it is possible that the same thing could happen to the human species. BHT is not much safer, either.

Prohibited: In Japan and partially in the EU. In the UK, BHA is banned in baby food products.

10. Hormone rBGH

Hormone rBGH

It is used to increase milk production. However, this hormone is banned in at least 30 countries because of its ability to cause prostate, breast and rectal cancer. In cows, consumption of this substance often causes inflammation of the mammary glands, which primarily affects the quality of the product.

About Harmfulness rBGH hormone has long been known, but attempts by the concerned public to convey the seriousness of the situation to the authorities have long failed due to threats from manufacturers. Therefore, even in spite of the sea of evidence that the hormone is harmful, which is obvious to the mass of other countries, the U.S. government is still lobbying for other people's interests and continues to claim that such milk is okay.

It's good to know that consumers have a chance to protect themselves from consuming rBGH-infected product: To do so, look for packages labeled rBGH-free or No rBGHThat is, indicating that the harmful hormone is absent from the milk.

Banned: Australia, New Zealand, Israel, EU, Canada

Комментарии ( 3 )

  1. To put it mildly, this information is dubious, because the products in question - for example, buns from McDuck - are sold in Canada and taste no different from ours. And preservatives are not added to beer - there are hops, a natural preservative, plus pasteurization.

  2. So no one is saying that McDonald's buns are not sold in Canada. They say that they don't add bromide salt to them, they just use a more expensive and non-hazardous substitute. It shouldn't affect the taste at all in principle.
    Although, for example, the taste of Big Mac in Russia and Europe is noticeably different.

    And about beer: you'd better take a closer look at the labels of low-grade beer. They do! I'll tell you more, even where it says only "water, malt, hops", there can be a lot of chemistry, because it's all powdered, pressed and in its final form with additives, except for water.

  3. It's been a long time since I read articles like this, I was saving my nerves. What to say about "adult" products, if, having reviewed all the available on the shelves of the children's world cans of meat baby purees, I could not find any without additives. And a piece of chicken I ate immediately causes a rash in the child. The question is, what was fed that chicken? And for the article, thank you. There is useful information that the seal can not be grown artificially. That's what we'll take. However, nothing prevents the seller from writing "seal" on a completely different fish.

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