Interesting facts of the financial world
1. Экономика имеет два основных направления — микроэкономика и макроэкономика Микроэкономика имеет дело с клиентами, доходами, ценами, рентабельностью и т.д. Макроэкономика имеет дело с экономикой в целом, процентными ставками, Валовым Внутренним Продуктом (ВВП) и др. понятиями, которые освещаются в газетах под рубрикой «экономика». Микроэкономика более полезна для руководителей, а за макроэкономикой следят, в основном, инвесторы. 2. Закон предложения и спроса — фундамент экономики Всякий раз, когда наблюдается рост поставок какого-либо товара, его цена снижается, и всякий раз, когда спрос на товар растет, цена увеличивается. Таким образом, когда у вас есть избыточное производство пшеницы, цены на продукты питания должны снижаться,…
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Many of you have already noticed four major high-margin trends in 2012: mobile, social, cloud and Big data (big data analytics). The same major trends will remain in 2013. IDC analyzed the market conditions and came to some conclusions. The world will spend $2.1 trillion on technology in 2013 Companies are ready to modernize old technologies and move to new ones. And consumers are opening their wallets to pay for their smartphone, tablet and app purchases. IT spending by companies will grow by nearly 6% in 2013. 1. The frantic growth of technology in emerging markets Entering international markets is forcing companies in developing countries to utilize the latest information technology. Such regions,...
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Having mastered computer literacy, the user keeps up with the times, gradually mastering the intricacies and wisdom of electronic devices, thus opening up a world with limitless possibilities - whether it is communication or information acquisition. To fully utilize the capabilities of your computer you need to take some actions. 1. Back up important files First of all, you need to take care of your important files. All experienced users know this. To make a backup on a computer running Windows 7, you need to click on Start, type Archiving in the search and run the Archiving and Restore Files program. The installation wizard will complete the process. To create a backup...
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If you are not a hermit, but work in a large team, you want to succeed and gain the trust of the majority or at least learn not to irritate others with their presence, you need to remember a few rules. 1. Remember the name Try to remember the name of the person and the place of your first meeting. If at the first acquaintance you forgot the name of the interlocutor (it often happens), do not hesitate to ask him/her again. To make your interlocutor feel at ease, address him or her by name during the conversation. 2. Let people through First to open the door, not to break in it, but to let people through, to hold the door behind you - these are elementary rules of etiquette, which are even inconvenient to remind, but if ignored....
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We have decided to devote this review to the issue of obtaining a residence permit (residence permit), which is granted when buying real estate in different countries of the world. 1. Residence permit for 12 million rubles in Bulgaria The easiest way to get a residence permit in Bulgaria: investing in the economy of the country or buying real estate for the amount of 12 million rubles gives you the right even to a residence permit. Bulgaria gladly accepts foreign pensioners. Having bought an apartment, elderly people can receive a pension at their place of residence. 2. Residence permit for 12 million rubles in Cyprus In Cyprus, when buying an apartment worth 300,000 euros (12 million rubles) you will be provided with a multi-visa for six months. After three years.
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In this review, ForTrader experts will look at what real estate can be bought for three million rubles in different countries of the world. 1. Two-storey house near a metropolis in the USA The real estate market in the USA, since the famous crisis of 2008, is in decline, so for such money you can be offered not only a multi-room apartment in a large city, but also a two-storey house not far from the metropolis. Of course, the cost of apartments in penthouses, oceanfront houses or prestigious neighborhoods of large cities will be higher. The cost of housing and utilities services in the USA is half as much as in Russia. For 1 kWh of electricity, you will pay 10-15 cents (depending on the...
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Surely everyone has heard of pyramid schemes at least once in his life. However, not everyone can explain what it is and how such scheme actually works. The trader, regardless of his education, just has to be financially literate, so today we will analyze two of the most popular pyramid schemes. Financial pyramid scheme: theory From an economic point of view, a financial pyramid scheme is a scheme that aims to make a profit for its members. At the same time, the source of profit is the funds coming from the new members of this scheme. In simple words, a pyramid scheme is when those who joined it today bring "profit" by their contributions to those who joined...
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Every one of us dreams of having a passive income. To get money without doing almost anything, what could be more beautiful? One type of passive income is investing, when the money invested generates a steady income. Where did investing come from, and what interesting investment-related cases have happened in the financial world? Historical Background As surprising as it may be, investing began much earlier than the full-fledged financial markets. According to archaeologists' discoveries, investing money in order to multiply it took place before our era. People quickly came to the understanding that simple storage of money does not make anyone rich. One of the themes in the educational system of the ancients...
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The people around us, whether they are relatives, friends or neighbors, are always trying to give us advice, and often teach us how to live correctly, explaining how to act in this or that situation. Advice seems to them sensible, productive, but we rarely use it, sitting that we know better. In this case, harmful advice can work. Once they were very popular for naughty children, but now they can be given to unreasonable adults Keep a secret all about the company If you work in an office, then be sure to try to hide all information about your company activities from colleagues and employees. We all know that people have their own personal ...
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On New Year's Eve, even adults want a miracle. At the sound of the chimes, everyone makes wishes and believes that they will surely come true. This goes on from year to year, but dreams are in no hurry to come true. Why? Simply, a person, in addition to making a wish, must make an effort to make it come true. Here are a few tips to help change your life for the better. Learn how to formulate promises to make at New Year's Eve - a wonderful tradition. But by spring, all that's left are memories. To avoid this, it is worth adhering to certain rules: It is desirable not to make wishes, which have the particle "not. For example, we often swear to ourselves not to smoke,...
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When the ruble exchange rate begins to shake up and down, everyone in the country pays attention to foreign currency. There is a great desire to earn on the difference in exchange rates, getting a good profit. The U.S. dollar is of particular interest, and many Russian depositors want to keep their money in this currency. This decision looks justified; the U.S. dollar was predicted to collapse long time ago, but it feels quite confident in spite of the political and economic instability. This might seem surprising only to those who do not know that the biggest part of currency reserves is kept in USD. By the way, international settlements are also conducted in U.S. dollars, and it is in this...
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Do I trust banks today? Banks have become a part of everyone's life, playing an important role in it. In banks we take out loans for our own needs, to buy real estate, make deposits, open current accounts and much more. At the same time we entrust our confidential information to the banking structures on 100%. If you think about it, we have no other choice, because no one has canceled the identification of clients yet. If you refuse to provide this data, with a high probability you will simply be refused service. Fortunately, the banks themselves can not use the information provided by users for mercenary purposes, as at legislative level the state protects its residents. So, thanks to...
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You got your paycheck, but it went to the momentary needs... You went to the cinema, went to a cafe or just bought food in the supermarket - and now the money is gone... Where does the money go, and why is it always gone? Let's discuss in this article. Why is there always a lack of money? The reason is simple: people don't calculate their own expenses. After all, if you ask any resident of our country, few people will answer exactly how much he spent on this or that item of expenditure, how much food costs in the supermarket, how much was spent on the repair of the vehicle and so on. The only expenses that people often remember, and the amount of which...
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Despite the fact that everyone has equal opportunities from the beginning, some people barely manage to find enough to eat, while others live their lives in a big way and do not deny themselves anything. So why do the poor become poorer and the rich become even richer, and what type of thinking belongs to them? Let's try to answer these questions right now. Wealth comes from God, and poverty is always a misfortune Do you still think that happiness is not about money? Yes, you can't buy health for it, but you can afford the kind of life that will keep you healthy for years to come. At the same time, you'll be living a life of nothing...
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Every independent person, thinking about the future, at least once in his life has wondered what is more profitable - to rent an apartment or take out a mortgage. On the one hand, you will constantly have to move from place to place and depend on the mood of the owner of the apartment. On the other hand, for a long time to deny yourself many things, just to pay the monthly mortgage payment in full and on time. However, in the second case you are already paying for your own apartment, which is undoubtedly pleasant. You have probably already guessed that each of the options has its advantages and disadvantages. That's what we're going to look at right now. "For" Mortgage Let's start by listing the advantages...
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To be a wealthy person, it is not enough to have a good job or a rich daddy. It is important to understand what prospects and possibilities you have and to what extent they coincide with your desires. There are four basic money questions that you must know the answers to in order not to fall into the financial abyss and to be an independent, successful person. 1. How much are you saving? Every reasonable person sets aside something "for a rainy day", "for vacation", "for unexpected expenses", "for retirement" in good times. There can be many of these items and you can vary the percentage based on your earnings and needs, but it's important to know how much money you have in reserve so you can plan your money life wisely...
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Bitcoin will be mined until the year 2140, but even today it is not easy to do. Especially if you only have a home computer at your disposal. And even so, there is no certainty that you will cover your electricity costs by mining. In the early days of mining it was easy, only the lazy ones didn't try the "free money". There were even precedents of buying a pizza for 10,000 bitcoins. Expensive purchase! But who knew. Now only 30% bitcoin wallets are actively used, the rest just keep the funds, including because the owner forgot, deleted or lost the password. Restore it, if you do not know, by the usual ways we can not. The anonymity of the system is not...
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Everyone loves a salary. And that love grows in proportion to the size of that salary. Along with the built-in joy of receiving it, salaries have some interesting facts, which the experts at Fortrader magazine are going to share with you today. Fact #1. Who are the highest paid workers Some get small salaries, some get big salaries, and some get very, very big salaries. According to the ranking of undeservedly high salaries (yes, there is such a thing), the first place has long been firmly held by real estate agents. Fact #2. Smart move by a generous director Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford made our list with a classy gesture. On the 11th birthday of his automobile plant, Ford...
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Have you once again taken out a loan to buy a cell phone, TV or just for "current needs", driving yourself even deeper into debt? Does it seem to you as if it is all the fault of the state, which cannot provide people with normal living conditions, and of the producers, who obviously overprice their products? Unfortunately, all this is far from the truth. The only culprit for another debt or loan is your psychology, or rather, psychological attitudes. Credit - the financial kabbalah Yes, some loans can improve your financial situation, if you take them for business development and prosperity. However, in most cases, when you take out a loan, you get into even more financial kabbalah, starting...
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We all know the phrase from the legendary Soviet movie, "Citizens, keep your money in a savings bank... if you have it, of course. Except that today this is not exactly the best way to keep your money. Yes, you can keep money in an account at the Savings Bank or any other financial institution. But what if you need cash in a hurry? One way or another, you'll have to think about where to hide it. And right now we will tell you 12 very practical and interesting options where you can hide money. 1. Under the mattress. Of course, this is not the best way to hide your cash...
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