Shocking taxes in the U.S.
While lawmakers in Illinois are concerned that they do not have a tax on sneakers, other states have long been "tormenting" their residents with unusual taxes. There are more than a dozen such funny taxes in U.S. states, according to
Tax on Murzyk
A perfectly reasonable tax in the state of North Carolina. For example, an animal lover of Durham Township pays without complaint tax on your pet. 75 dollars It costs the owner his pet if it is not neutered (not spayed), otherwise the tax is $10.
The candy tax
In the state of Illinois. expensive sweetsThe state lawmakers believe that wealthy citizens are not impoverished. As state legislators believe, wealthy citizens will not be impoverished.
The half-buck tax
«Старшие братья» русских бубликов или баранок – бейглы, «попали под раздачу» законодателей штата Нью-Йорк несколько лет назад. Если вы решили купить половину бейгла, то вам придётся заплатить в казну штата 9 центов. За продажу целого бейгла налог не взимается. Может кто-то объяснит, почему?
The age tax
New Mexico lawmakers, on the other hand, are clearly more cunning. The law seems to be for the benefit of the people, but how many will take advantage of it? In this case, citizens who have lived more than 100 years are exempt from taxes. Most likely, it is a psychological trick to encourage people to take the century mark.
Diaper tax
В штате Коннектикут детские подгузники облагаются налогом с продаж, а взрослые подгузники — нет. В Колорадо существует налог на салфетки, бумажные стаканчики, крышки.
Drainage cistern tax
How to make the citizens of the arid states of Maryland and Virginia save water? That's right, with taxes. And where in the house is there an opportunity to reduce the water consumption of already thrifty enough citizens? Legislators in these two states have found such a place - it's the toilet cistern. Now, after paying $30 a month, a citizen has the right to push the toilet flush button.
Pleasure Taxes
Companies that use semi-nude or partially nude labor pay a 10 percent sales tax under Utah law. Playing cards in the state of Alabama are taxed at 10 cents. Texas has distinguished itself a tax on holiday decorationstoys, decorative crafts, but on one condition: if they hang on the wall. Tattoo loversIn Arkansas, they pay 6% of the value of the drawing to the state treasury. In California sales tax on fruits and vegetables is 33%. If they are sold with a machine, no tax is taken.
The drug tax
Tennessee prosecutors and police, tired of the fruitless fight against the local drug mafia, came up with nothing better than to tax it. But there was money for the treatment of drug addicts. In 2006 alone. Tax revenues from the sale of drugs составили 1,5 млн. долларов. Компания прошла успешно, стороны остались довольны, ведь законодатели штата разрешили платить налоги анонимно. Взимание налогов с наркодилеров осуществляется согласно прейскуранта: за продажу кокаина 50 долларов, а за марихуану — 3,5 доллара.