The Age of Stocks, Rents and Bonds. Securities of the Russian Empire (set of 2 books)

The age of stocks, rents and bondsAuthor: L. I. Lifland, Y. A. Petrov
English.: A Century of Stocks and Bonds: The Secrets of Imperial Russia

Publisher: Moscow, 2005.
496 pp.
Circulation: 1000 copies.


Book 1. A Century of Stocks and Bonds: The Secrets of Imperial Russia

The book is devoted to the history of Russian securities in the 18th-early 20th centuries, the time when the Russian stock market was taking shape in the Russian Empire. The Russian poet Alexander Block called the 19th century "the age of shares, rents and bonds". And he was right: during this period securities actually became part of the daily life of the majority of Russia's population. The present publication examines the history of the formation of the securities market from the first issues of government bonds at the turn of the 18th century to the year 1917, reveals its dynamics and structure, describes the corresponding legal base and state regulation, points to the main figures engaged in operations with securities (the state and private companies), shows the mechanism of emission and its participants (stock exchanges, brokers, etc.), and illustrates the distribution of Russian securities on European stock exchanges. Also, the book characterizes the most important issuers of pre-revolutionary Russia, such as railroad societies, commercial and mortgage banks, insurance companies, and commercial and industrial firms,which operated in the main branches of industry (extraction of gold and oil, metallurgy, textile and food production, transportation business, etc.). The book is intended for those who are interested in the history of Russia.

Cloth binding, slipcase
Format: 25 cm x 31.5 cm
Publication language: English
Coated paper, color illustrations

Book 2. The Age of Shares, Rents and Bonds. Securities of the Russian Empire

The book is dedicated history of Russian securities XVIII - early XX century, when the stock market was established in the Russian Empire. Russian poet Alexander Blok called the 19th century "The Century of Stocks, Rents and Bonds". Securities during this period really entered the everyday life of a large part of the country's population. The publication presents the history of the formation of securities market from the first issues of public debt bonds at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries to 1917: its dynamics and structure, legislative framework and state regulation, the main actors in securities transactions (the state and private companies), the issuance mechanism and its participants (stock exchanges, brokers, etc.), the spread of Russian securities in European stock markets. The sectoral aspect reflects the largest issuers of pre-revolutionary Russia, such as railway companies, commercial and mortgage banks, insurance companies, trading and industrial firms of the main industries (gold and oil mining, metallurgy, textile and food production, transportation business, etc.).

The book is intended for all those interested in the history of Russia.

Soft cover
Format: 14 cm x 21.5 cm
Publication language: Russian

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