Warren Buffett's Philosophy of Investing, or What Biographers of the Financial Guru Don't Tell You

Warren Buffett's Philosophy of Investing, or What Biographers of the Financial Guru Don't Tell YouAuthor: Elena Chirkova

Publisher: Alpina Publisher
ISBN 978-5-9614-0677-1; 2008.
Pages: 272 pp.
Format: 70×100/16 (167×236 mm)
Circulation: 3000 copies.
Binding: Paperback


Книга Елены Чирковой посвящена «живущему святому стоимостного инвестирования» — Warren Buffett. By analyzing the public speeches and publications of Buffett himself, his annual messages to the shareholders of the Berkshire Hathaway company he heads, the works of his famous teachers, the works of numerous biographers and interpreters, as well as the financial press, the author reveals the secret of the great financial guru's success.

The author examines the history of Buffett's ideas, his approaches to the choice of assets for investment, developed during his long life investment principles and possibilities of their application in modern practice, his relations with the former owners of the companies he bought, tactics of M&A transactions, business management methods, the role of psychology and the image component in his success, his attitude to advertising and self-promotion, his views on wealth and many other issues. The book contains many interesting stories about acquisitions of companies and assets in different industries, successes and failures. Extensively quoted Buffett's aphorisms.

The publication is intended for investors, financial analysts, CEOs, entrepreneurs, teachers and students of financial disciplines and all those interested in the problems of investing.

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