Confessions of an Economic Killer

Confessions of an Economic KillerAuthor: John Perkins
English.: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Series: The New York Times Bestseller

Publisher: Pretext, 2010.
Hardcover, 352 pp.
ISBN 978-5-98995-058-4, 1-57675-301-8
Circulation: 1000 copies.
Format: 70×100/16 (~167×236 mm)


John Perkins' book is the world's first autobiographical account of the life, training, and modus operandi of a special of a top-secret group of economic killersThe U.S. has been working with the highest political and economic leaders of the countries of interest to the U.S., professionals of the highest level, designed to work with the highest political and economic leaders of the world. Their task is to enslave entire countries and peoples, imposing mega-projects - traps that promise acceleration of development, but in fact turn into the involvement of once sovereign states in the new global empire.

In the book-confession, which instantly became a bestseller in the U.S. and Europe, John Perkins reveals the secret springs of world economic politics, explains the strange "coincidences" and "accidents" of recent times that have dramatically changed our lives.

John Perkins was secretly recruited by the U.S. National Security Administration. Trained in the most classified specialty in economic sabotage. Officially, he is an employee of an influential and successful transnational consulting company that sells a special commodity around the world: economic reform and democratic transformation.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers who are interested in the burning problems of the modern world.

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