Optimal strategies for profit on the FOREX market and the securities market
Author: V And Zhizhilev
Hardcover, 280 pp.
ISBN 5-94805-001-7
Circulation: 1000 copies.
Format: 60×84/16 (~143x205 mm)
This book can be seen as an introduction to the modern theory and practice of speculative activity in the financial market, based on the use of cybernetics methods for developing an investment strategy. The main task, which is discussed in detail in the book, is to synthesize the optimal managing a portfolio of financial instruments by the criterion of maximizing the investor's profit (income) on invested funds. The optimal portfolio management is understood as a dynamic sequence of investment decisions, in the implementation of which, the investor will be able to extract the potentially possible for the financial market profit under conditions of limited investment risk.
From a theoretical and applied point of view, the material in this book is original, with its presentation in simple and comprehensible language.
The book should primarily be of interest to those interested in enriching and increasing their knowledge in the field of the theory and practice of financial speculation.
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