Financial books
Author: Vladimir Daragan Publisher: United Secretariat of the USSR Pages: 232 pages Size: 60×90/16 (145х217 mm) Circulation: 2000 copies. The book describes the basic principles, rules and details of the exchange game, knowledge of which allows to receive the maximum profit at the minimum risk. The book is designed for a wide range of readers wishing to learn the optimal strategy and tactics for investing capital in stocks, as well as the conduct of stock trading through global computer networks.
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English: The Electronic Day Trader Author: Mark Friedfertig, George West Translator: Rita Moroz Publisher: Olympus Business Pages: 272 pp. Format: 60×90/16 (145×217 mm) Binding: Hardcover FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE BOOK ABOUT E-TAILING ON THE STOCK MARK FRIDVERTIG and JORGE WEST, professional brokers of the stock exchange, is written as the educational manual for people contemplating undertaking electronic intraday trade in shares in exchange and off-exchange stock markets. The authors give a general introduction to stock markets, the differences between the stock market and the OTC market, the mechanisms of their operation, the rules that apply to them, and electronic real-time securities trading. Considerable attention is paid to technologies providing intraday electronic trading, consideration of advantages and disadvantages of various...
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Author: A.A. Kurguzkin Publisher: ACT, Polygraphizdat Pages: 256 pages Format: 60×90/16 (145õ217 mm) Circulation: 3000 copies. This book is the summary of many years of experience in system trading and development of mechanical trading systems. While most trading books are devoted to describing the principles of entering and exiting a position and outlining a large set of technical analysis indicators, many important issues are left out. The book by A. Kurguzkin will help traders, whose experience has already given rise to doubts about the effectiveness of the book indicators, taken without proper critical rethinking. Here you will find a kind of practical guide to market research and creating your own effective...
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Автор: Николай Солабуто Издательство: Питер Серия: Трейдинг & инвестиции Страниц: 160 стр. Формат: 60×90/16 (145х217 мм) Тираж: 1500 экз. Переплет: Твердый переплет ПОДРОБНЕЕ О КНИГЕ О КРАТКОСРОЧНОМ ТРЕЙДИНГЕ Это издание — прекрасное руководство по краткосрочной торговле для инвестора, желающего получать доход на фондовом рынке. Автор книги Николай Солабуто с 2002 по 2009 год являлся управляющим активами в ЗАО «ФИНАМ», с 2010 года по настоящее время — управляющий активами компании «БКС». Из книги вы узнаете, как правильно рассчитать объем своих операций на фондовом рынке, какие способы краткосрочной торговли применять, какие графические модели можно использовать для трейдинга, как правильно открывать позиции, где…
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Author: Mike Bellafiore Translator: A. Sokolov Publisher: SmartBook Pages: 480 p. Format: 60×90/16 (145х217 mm) Binding: Soft cover BOOK ABOUT PRIVATE TRADING Private trading or proprietary trading is still little covered in Russian literature. In fact, this is the first book on the subject. It is believed that such trading appeared many years ago, when brokerage companies, banks and other financial institutions hired traders to trade in the financial markets with company money. Now the concept extends to traders who do not get paid, but invest a certain amount of their personal money in the trades of the company-owner. The book covers all the important lessons taught to the author...
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Author: Vasily Leonov Publisher: Exmo Series: Computer on 100% Pages: 240 pages Format: 70×100/16 (167×236 mm) Circulation: 2000 copies. Binding: Soft cover BOOK ABOUT THE BOOK ON TRADING PROGRAMS Do you want to start trading on the exchange, but you do not know which program to choose? You need a trading robot, but the advantages of some of them are not obvious? This book will help you to understand trading programs and to choose a trading robot which is best suited to your tasks, to automate internet-trading at the exchange and to understand the intricacies of technical analysis. Here you will find everything you need for technical realization of internet-trading on the exchange. Success will not keep you waiting.
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Author: Nouriel Roubini, Stephen Meem English: Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance Translator: V. Ilyin Publisher: Eksmo Series: Economics. World Trends Pages 384 pp Format 70×100/16 (167×236 mm) Print run 3000 copies. Hardcover The Book ABOUT THE PREDICTIONS OF CRISISES In this book, New York University economics professor Nouriel Roubini and economic historian Stephen Meehm argue convincingly that crises should not be viewed as unique phenomena of financial history: they are characterized by a certain probability, predictability, and have well-defined causes. Combining historical and global economic analysis, the authors conclude that the financial crises of the last quarter of the twentieth century in Mexico, Thailand, Brazil and...
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Автор: Раджи Хорнер Переводчик: А. Соколов Издательство: И-Трейд Страниц: 272 стр. Формат: 145×215 Переплет: Мягкая обложка КРАТКО О КНИГЕ О ПРАВИЛАХ ТРЕЙДИНГА НА ФОРЕКС В мире финансового трейдинга очень редко встречаются женщины-спекулянты — так уж повелось, что этот бизнес в основном мужской. Однако есть прекрасные исключения, как, например, автор настоящей книги. Безусловно, дело не в том, что она — женщина, но ее наблюдения за рынком, ее выводы, ее тактические решения, о которых она пишет на страницах этой интересной книги, позволили ей взглянуть на трейдинг, на валютный дилинг, возможно, несколько по-другому и добиться успеха в этом нелегком деле. Что и представляет…
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Автор: Стивен Левитт, Стивен Дабнер Англ.: Freakonomics Переводчик: Павел Миронов Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер Страниц: 272 стр. Формат: 70×100/16 (167×236 мм) Тираж: 3000 экз. Переплет: твердый КРАТКО О КНИГЕ О СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ЗАКОНАХ ЭКОНОМИКИ Эта книга потрясла мир деловой литературы и моментально стала бестселлером. И неудивительно. «Фрикономика», пожалуй, самая нестандартная и провокационная книга последних лет о законах экономики и жизни современного общества. «Экономист-диссидент» Стивен Левитт вместе с писателем и журналистом Стивеном Дабнером задался целью огорошить читателя, открыв ему «тайную сторону всего». Авторы наблюдают за обычными, казалось бы, явлениями нашей жизни, сопоставляют некоторые факты и показывают неожиданные экономические и психологические механизмы,…
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Author: Murray Rothbard English: A History of Money and Baking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II Translator: Boris Pinsker Publisher: Socium Series: Austrian School Pages: 548 pages Format: 60×90/16 (145×217 mm) Edition: 2000 copies Binding: hardcover FROM THE EDITOR BOOK OF THE HISTORY OF MONEY AND BANKS IN THE US The author explores periods of inflation, banking panics, and the collapse of monetary systems in America from colonial times to the mid-20th century, showing that the cause of almost all major economic disasters in American history is the systematic and deliberate desire of the state to expand the inflationary capacity of the banking system, ultimately leading to the current paper-dollar standard...
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Author: Brian Burrow, John Hellier English: Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco Publisher: Olympus Business Series: Troika Dialog Library Year: 2003 Pages: 568 Pages Format: 60×90/16 (145×217 mm) Hardcover FROM THE EDITOR OF THE BOOK ON THE Rise AND Fall OF WALL STREET This is the gripping story of the struggle for control of RJR Nabisco on Wall Street in October-November 1988. The book is based on more than 100 interviews conducted by Brian Burrow and John Helyar with participants in the events described, RJR Nabisco President Ross Johnson, Henry Kravis, George Roberts, Ted Forstmann, Jim Maher, and other prominent financial...
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Author: J. Little, L. Rhodes English: Understanding Wall Street Translator: Mikhail Meshkov Publisher: Olympus Business Series: Troika Dialog Library Year: 2006 Pages: 368 pages Size: 84×108/32 (130х205 mm) Hard cover From the publisher The book "How to get on Wall Street" is a classic bestseller, combining the basics of practical knowledge of investing and a number of useful modern analytical techniques. It systematically and fully describes the mechanism of the stock market. The appearance of the book "How to get to Wall Street" in Russia is very timely and useful. The information contained in it is absolutely practical and will help a wide range of people to better orient themselves in the stock market, debt capital,...
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Author: Sidney Cottle, Roger F. Murray, Frank E. Block English: Graham and Dodd's Security Analysis Translator: Boris Pinsker Publisher: Olympus Business Series: Troika Dialog Library Year: 2001. Pages: 704 pp Format: 70×100/16 (167×236 mm) Circulation: 3000 copies. Created by Graham and Dodd in 1934, "Securities Market Analysis" has been the bible for investors for more than 60 years. Over the years it has sold nearly a million copies and is widely considered the most influential and popular book ever written on the art of investing. It teaches how to interpret balance sheet...
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Author: Peter L. Bernstein English: Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk Translator A. Marantidi Publisher: Olympus Business Series: Troika Dialog Library Year: 2008. Pages: 400 p. Size: 70×100/16 (167×236 mm) Circulation: 3000 copies. Binding: Hardcover FROM THE EDITOR OF THE BUREAU BOOK ON RISK In this unique study of the role of risk in our society, Peter Bernstein argues that mastering the methods of assessing and controlling risk is one of the main features of our time that distinguishes it from earlier eras. Risk is a choice rather than a lot. The actions we must take depending on the freedom of choice available to us are...
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Author: Connie Brooke English: The Predators' Ball Translator: A. Stolyarov Publisher: Olymp-Business Series: Troika Dialog Library Year: 2008. Pages: 400 p. Format: 60×90/16 (145×217 mm) Hardcover FROM THE EDITOR OF THE BOOK ON THE INSIDER'S HISTORY This book is the result of interviews that Connie Brooke was able to gather over a period of two and a half years from those who could be considered the main collective character in this book, employees of the investment firm Drexel Burnham Lambert and members of its client network. Michael Milken of Drexel was the king of junk bonds in the 1980s and was racking up billions of dollars. With junk bonds, he was involved in the acquisition of many companies and financed the largest corporate...
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Author: Robert Menschel English: Markets, Mobs and Mayhem: A Modern Look at the Madness of Crowds Series: Troika Dialog Library Publisher: Olympus Business, 2005 Hardcover, 234 pp ISBN 5-9693-0006-3, 0-471-23327-7 Format: 60×90/16 (~145x217 mm) FROM THE EDITOR BOOK ON THE HISTORY OF MASSIVE MISMASTERS The book considers and analyses the most prominent cases of mass madness in history. The author touches on such phenomena as lynching, Nazism, but mainly his attention is drawn to episodes when reasonable and well-meaning people are seized by mass sentiment, like "tulip mania" in 17th century Holland, panic on Wall Street during the Great Depression, boom Internet companies, letters with anthrax powder or a fire in the theater. Instructive...
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Author: Stephen Levitt and Stephen Dubner English: Superfreakonomics Publisher: Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, 2010. Superfreakonomics, 288 pages ISBN 978-5-91657-097-7 Circulation: 3000 copies. Format: 70×100/16 (~167×236 mm) FROM THE EDITOR BOOK ABOUT THE STRANGE OF ECONOMICS "Superfreakonomics" is a worthy sequel to the acclaimed bestseller "Freakonomics". Inside is an unconventional explanation of new non-obvious facts by unusual economists. The book is as epic, unexpected and provocative as possible. And at the same time quite serious. At the heart of strange phenomena are found quite logical economic mechanisms - and vice versa. This book has every chance to repeat (and maybe even surpass) the popularity of its legendary predecessor.
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Author: Barton Biggs English: Hedgehogging Publisher: Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, 2010. Hardcover, 416 pp. ISBN 978-5-91657-098-4 Circulation: 2000 copies. Format: 70×100/16 (~167×236 mm) FROM THE EDITOR OF THE BOOK ON THE BASIS OF INVESTMENTS The book by the top manager of the well-known investment company Morgan Stanley Barton Biggs is dedicated to those who are professionally engaged in investing. You will not find here advice on managing your own and others' finances, but you will get a fairly complete picture of the lives of these people: their principles, motivations for behavior, relationships, strategies and tactics for working in the market. Real stories of dizzying successes and shattering downfalls make you think about a lot of things. If you have anything to do with the stock markets (or are about to enter...
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English: An Introduction to Derivatives Series: Reuters for financiers Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2009 Hardcover, 202 pages ISBN 978-5-9614-1101-0, 978-5-9614-1092-1, 0-471-83176-X Mintage: 1500 copies. Format: 84×108/16 (~205x290 mm) FROM THE EDITOR OF THE DERIVATIVES STUDY BOOK This book is an excellent textbook for beginners in studying derivative financial instruments (derivatives). Derivatives are the basis of many trading strategies, and although they have been around for a very long time, their field of application continues to expand as financial markets evolve. Some derivatives are very simple and some are very complex, but in any case, in order to use them effectively, the risks and rewards must be clearly understood. The book will be of interest to...
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Author: Robert Hagstrom English: The Detective and The Investor 2005 Hardcover, 308 pp ISBN 5-98293-062-8, 1-58799-127-6 Circulation: 3000 copies. FROM THE AUTHORS OF THE BOOK ON THE DETECTIVE SCIENCE OF INVESTORS The investigative methods and ways of thinking of such legendary detectives as Auguste Dupin, Father Brown and, of course, Sherlock Holmes open up new vistas for investors. Robert Hagstrom demonstrates what lessons and techniques for successful business investing can be learned from Dupin's unerring deductive thinking, Father Brown's intuitive knowledge of human nature, and Holmes's remarkable powers of observation. For Wall Street professionals and novice investors alike. And at the same time, for all those who love a good detective.
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