Great Investors

velikie_invest_96dpi_700px_rgbOriginal title: The Great Investors: Lessons on Investing from Master Traders
Author: Glen Arnold / Arnold Glen

Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2014.
ISBN 978-5-9614-1923-8

Pages: 320 pp.
Format: 70×100/16 (170x240 mm)
Circulation: 2,000 copies.
Weight: 520 g
Binding: Softcover

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«Так же как мутации в биологии, в человеческом обществе существенную роль играют ошибочные представления и просчеты» – Глен Арнольд.

What the book "Great Investors" is about

About the talent to acquire wealth and those people to whom this talent is given by nature. Perhaps their examples will be infectious for the reader, encourage a decision that has long lay on the surface of consciousness, or direct him to the right path. This book features Buffett, Graham, Soros, and many others, no less famous personalities, who have gained popularity in the world thanks to their capital.

Why The Great Investors is worth reading

  • Real success stories of the greats investors, представляющие собой не привычную биографию, а анализ роста личного капитала – “инвестиционную” биографию;
  • Strategies to make a fortune: a timeless classic of the genre;
  • The most successful deals of the nine masters of investing;
  • Each investor's unique approach to the process of accumulating wealth does not cancel out the similarity of ideas: the commonalities of the great magnates of investing.

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