Switzerland is the most competitive

According to a report by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Switzerland has topped the world's economic competitiveness rankings for the fourth consecutive year.

Education is a key factor that explains Swiss competitiveness. The quality of Switzerland's research institutes, the high level of cooperation between academia and business, and the minimal time from patent to market also contributed to the country's ranking. The winning country's government and institutions are among the most transparent and efficient in the world, providing a high level of business confidence and support for economic production.
Во всем мире, отмечается в докладе, формируется  «хрупкая» экономическая среда и растёт пропасть между богатыми и бедными странами, особенно в Европе.
Northern European countries such as Finland (3rd), Sweden (4th), the Netherlands (5th) and Germany (6th) have become economic heavyweights while much of the rest of Europe is drowning in recession and unemployment.
Singapore ranked second due to strong public and private institutions and efficient infrastructures.
The United States has slipped downward for the fourth consecutive year (ranked #1 in 2008-'09, now #7) as a result of growing dissatisfaction in business circles with its political course and slow economic recovery. Nevertheless, the U.S. has been praised for its innovative projects and the efficiency of its markets.
While China retained its 13th place, Russia dropped one notch (from 66th to 67th) and India slipped from 56th to 59th, countries such as Turkey (from 59th to 43rd) and Kazakhstan (from 72nd to 51st) improved their performance.
В рейтинг ВЭФ включены 144 страны. Рейтинг составлен на основании индекса ВЭФ, который включает в себя ряд критериев, куда входят 12 «столпов конкурентоспособности» — в их числе учреждения, инфраструктура и, не в последнюю очередь, инновации.

According to the foreign press for ForTrader.ru                                                                                                                                                                      

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