U.S. dollar ("green", American, usd)

U.S. dollar ("green", American, usd)U.S. dollar ("green", American, usd) - the official monetary unit of the United States of America. The U.S. dollar is one of the world's leading currencies, along with the euro, the pound sterling and the yen. One dollar is a multiple of 100 cents. The numerical code is 840, the alphabetic code is USD (according to ISO standard) and the standard designation is $.

Dollar - the most traded currency in the world, the rate of which is set in the course of trading on the international foreign exchange market. In addition, the U.S. dollar is the most popular the world's reserve currency. The gold-plated security of the dollar has not been maintained since 1971.

The dollar issuance is performed by U.S. Federal Reservewhich is the central bank of the country. The dollar is one of the most counterfeit currencies, so there are many security features for these bills, including the constant updating of their appearance.

In the international foreign exchange market Forex The dollar plays a leading role, so all currency pairs with the dollar are called major currency pairs.

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