Expert Advisors and indicators do not work. MetaTrader 4 - back to the old build
Many traders are faced with the fact that after upgrading the MetaTrader 4 terminal many Advisors and the custom indicators refuse to work.
Especially for our readers, we have collected a few "recipes" to get your programs working again if you have updated the terminal.
How to view the build version of the MetaTrader 4 platform
Terminal update is automatic and often we do not even control this process, so to find out the version number of your MetaTrader 4, on the terminal, go to the "Help" tab and go to "About...". This will open a window where you will see the number of the current build of your terminal and the date of its publication.

We all know that MetaQuotes periodically releases updates for the MT4 platform, which are designed to eliminate the identified technical errors and optimize its performance.
Unfortunately, such updates lead to the fact that some indicators and experts simply stop working. Surely you know the situation when you install, for example, an indicator, but it is not installed, or it is not displayed on the chart, but it is in the list of indicators. This means that it conflicts with the new build and will not work in it.
How to fix it? There are several ways, proven experimentally by many traders.
How to get robots and indicators to work again?
Method #1: Clock Conversion
In order to bring a trading advisor back to life, you can simply reset the clock on your computer a few months back. In some cases, this helps, but it should be noted that when you reset the time in the terminal, the trading history will be lost. Therefore, this method is unlikely to be the most reliable.
Method 2: Rolling back the terminal to the old builds
If the old version of the terminal worked, but the new version did not, it may make sense to try to roll back your MetatTrader 4 to the previous working version? That's what we're going to do.
Prohibit MT4 updates
First of all, you should disable the automatic update of the terminal, otherwise all your work will go to waste, because when you run the terminal will download and install the latest update without your participation, and we just really want to take part in this.

To do this, right-click on the terminal shortcut and select the "Properties" tab. Find the "Object" field, which shows the path to the folder where the terminal is installed. At the end of the line add /skipupdate (before the / sign a space is required) and click "Apply".
Now your terminal will not update without you, and will stay in the build that you are happy with.
Install the appropriate MT4 build
Now you need to install the build, in which your Expert Advisors and indicators worked without problems. You can download an archive with previous builds at the end of this article.
Unpack the file terminal.exe from the archive and copy it with replacement to the folder with the terminal. By default it is C:\Program Files\MetaTrader\.

Now when you run the terminal from the shortcut that we changed, you will get the terminal version in which your EAs are, indicators worked before, which means that they will work again. For example, I rolled back my terminal to build 1010.

Important: manipulations with the shortcut can be avoided. For this purpose, a file TERMINAL SKIPUPDATE PORTABLE.bat (also in the archive) was written by craftsmen. No changes can be made to the shortcut, you can run the terminal through this file, having previously unpacked it into the folder C:\Program Files\MetaTrader\.
How to update MetaEditor?
So, advisors and indicators are back in working condition. But what should traders who write or modify scripts, advisors and indicators do, because the product compiled in the latest version of MetaEditor may not work in the terminal?
Here, too, everything is very simple. In the archive there are also metaeditor files of different builds, replacing which you will also get the MetaEditor rollback to the desired version.

Important: MetaEditor build number and MT4 terminal are different. For example, MetaTrader 4 build 1065 corresponds to MetaEditor build 1562. In order to find out the current build of MetaEditor, you should launch it, go to "Help" tab and find "About..." item.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. We are very grateful to traders Nixer and Pavka69 for sharing their advice and builds to bring our favorite Expert Advisors and indicators back to life.
Download old builds of MetaTrader 4
Good afternoon
I have a robot that runs on MT4 build920
And there is an account at the broker there MT4 build 1090
I converted it to build 920 and it does not start the damn thing says old version
help install a robot that works under 920
I can't do any manipulations with the old build! The terminal does not connect and that's it!
With the new version 1170 nothing fits. The build is installed, but it does not connect to the account - "old version".