Unsophisticated rules for a tricky market

Today's issue of the "cheat sheet" is dedicated to those who are just about to get involved in stock exchange operations. Here are a few tips to help you get up to speed and avoid getting into trouble.

1. Do not attempt self-train trading on a real deposit. Find an experienced mentor to help you understand everything. There are far fewer Forex professionals than you might think. Ask your mentor to familiarize you with the reports of your work on a real account. The amount of the account is not important, what is important is that it is a real account. Virtual millions have never made anyone rich.

2. Ask your mentor if he or she will help you after you graduate.

3. If you come to a dealing center for training, ask about the size of the initial deposit here recommend. If you are told a large amount, you should look for another dealing center.

4. Remember, a dealing center will not tell you anything except general information about the market, and there is a lot of such information on the Internet, and you can familiarize yourself with it.

5. Ask if there is an opportunity for in-depth study of any profitable strategyand sign up for it. Before training, familiarize yourself with the reports on the real account performance of this particular strategy, preferably the period reflected in the reports should not be less than half a year.

8. I recommend opening a small but real account. Get yourself accustomed to real money from the very beginning.

9. Don't buy trade experts on the Internet. No one will sell a profitable expert for 100 dollars. Good developments cost a lot of money.

10. Do not expect instant results. Any profession in the institute is trained for at least 5 years. Trading is a profession that has nothing to do with casinos.

11. The market is like a musical instrument that produces beautiful sounds only in the skillful hands of a musician. It gives money only to those who have learned how to handle it.

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