
  • Continuing the search for original methods of forecasting and trading applied to the market, I suggest you get acquainted with a method, about which little is written, but the use of which pleasantly surprises. So, get acquainted - "the Monday effect". It's no secret that our life, just like the life of the market, is cyclic and subject to certain periods. In this connection the "Monday effect" can be considered not only from the trivial point of view but from the scientific one as well. How to use the Monday effect? The basic hypothesis, according to which almost all researches of this phenomenon are based, says that if the market went up on Friday, then on Monday the probability of its growth is higher than the probability of its fall. Friday's market decline ...

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  • Oil

    What is oil? Oil is one of the Earth's most important minerals, which is a flammable oily liquid of predominantly black color. Can I invest in oil? From a financial point of view oil and oil products (gasoline, diesel and other fuels) are an attractive way to invest. Oil prices, like any other commodity, is determined by supply and demand. If supply levels fall, prices rise until demand equals supply. The peculiarity of oil is inelastic demand, i.e. demand does not fall as the price rises. Therefore, a decrease in the volume of supply leads to a sharp increase in the price of...

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  • What is an Ishimoku indicator? Indicator Ishimoku Kinko Hyo (Ichimoku Kinko Hyo) - trade technical indicator, designed to reflect the trend, support and resistance levels. What is the purpose of the indicator? Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator is used to identify a market trend, support and resistance levels and to generate buy and sell signals. The optimal timeframe for the Ishimoku indicator is a week or a day. It can be used in conjunction with other technical indicators or be solely used for trading. The Ishimoku indicator is sometimes called a ready-made trading strategy. How to install the Ishimoku indicator on the price chart? The Ichimoku indicator is included in the standard set of technical indicators of the MetaTrader 4 platform. To install it on the chart, you...

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  • Trade Indicator

    What are Indicators ? A trading indicator (stock exchange indicator) is a tool for technical analysis of the market which uses mathematical algorithms to graphically display the data required by a trader on the price chart. What does a technical indicator display? Technical indicator readings are based on the data already shown on the price chart - historical data. This is a basic thesis of technical analysis: everything repeats itself. What are the different types of indicators? There are several basic types of technical indicators: Volatility, Trend Indicators, Information Indicators, Oscillators, Channel Indicators, Scalping Indicators, Volume Indicators, Level Indicators, Pivot Indicators, Pattern Indicators, Arrow Indicators and Signal Indicators. Indicator trade strategies are based on combinations of technical indicators, e.g. a combination of a trend indicator + oscillator. There are ...

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  • What is the Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS)? The Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS) is an executive authority that adopts regulations and exercises control in the sphere of financial markets (excluding banking and auditing activities), formation and investment of pension savings, activities of stock exchanges, insurance companies, stock brokers and commodity markets. The FFMS was established in 2004 by presidential decree, combining the functions of the Commission on Securities Market, Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy and Entrepreneurship Support, and Ministry of Finance. The FFMS is subordinate to the RF Government. What are the functions of FFMS of Russia? The main activities of FFMS are: adoption of regulatory acts, supervision and control over the sphere of financial...

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  • What is exchange rate parity (currency parity)? Parity of exchange rates (currency parity) is the legally established ratio between two currencies which is the basis of the exchange rate. What is the purpose of exchange rate parity? Parity is the basis for the formation of exchange rates, because it determines their ratio in the manner prescribed by law. That is, with the help of parity is determined by the ratio of the national currency to the currencies of other states. Parity can be determined using any currency unit. At the moment, there are two modes for the exchange rate: a fixed exchange rate; floating exchange rate. How did modern currency parity come about? Before 1978, exchange rate parity was determined by the gold content of currencies, i.e., the amount of...

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  • Trading strategy

    What is a trading strategy? Trading strategy is a set of specific trading rules, which a trader is guided by when making decisions about making deals. Most often it is a set of readings of different technical or fundamental indicators, which give a trading signal to open a deal in a certain combination. Trading strategies are applicable not only to currency pairs, but also to binary options, stocks, commodities, futures, etc. What trading strategies are there? Depending on the duration of the trade position holding, there are the following types of trading strategies: Short-term strategies: from a few seconds to one day Medium-term strategies: from one day to one week Long-term strategies: from...

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  • Currency rate quotation is... A currency rate quotation (Financial quote) is the numerically expressed value of one freely convertible currency in relation to another at a given time. The word "quote" is of French origin: the verb "coter" means "to number, to mark". Why do we need quotations? The quotation defines the price of currencies (as well as securities and commodities) that are in the market; the price at which a seller is ready to sell a certain amount of assets at any given moment. Usually quotation is a volatile, changing value. If we talk about the currency quotation, it expresses the value of one currency through the units of another. For example, the euro rate is $1.3408: "1.3408" is...

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  • A downtrend (bearish, down trend) is one of the types of stock trends, which characterizes a gradual decline in the rate of a financial instrument over a period of time. Its presence is a signal for the opening of transactions to sell the asset for the trader. How can I find out if the trend is descending? Actually the downtrend reflects the situation on the chart when the volume of currency which the market participants want to sell at the current price is more than the volume of currency which other participants plan to buy. I.e. this is a reaction to decrease of trader's investment interest in the asset. Traditionally, it is said about a downtrend if two or more consecutive price peaks or troughs are formed, through which the downtrend support line is drawn...

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  • Opponents of harmonic trading argue that market symmetry is contrived, and market price movements cannot fit into a predetermined pattern. However, the methods of this direction of technical analysis continue to work, allowing the trader to determine important support and resistance levels, as well as to identify potential market reversal points. The graphical model "Three Steps" - the way to the pattern "Three Indians" Let the graphical configurations, using Fibonacci dependencies, occur not so often, nevertheless their effectiveness is time-tested. Today we will talk about such a variation of the famous chart pattern "Three Indians" described by Linda Raschke and Lawrence Connors in their bestseller "Secrets of Trading" as the "Three Steps" pattern. No matter how detailed the approach to...

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  • What are Forex trading signals? Trading signals (forex signals) - timely recommendations to buy and sell currencies (opening or closing positions) from practicing traders. Typically, traders receive signals from private professionals or brokerage companies for free or on a reimbursable basis. What are the signals from traders based on? Traders signals are based on a trading strategy, which brings a certain percentage of profit over a long time to the author. Offering to use his TS, he shows his results in the form of an account statement or monitoring. Types of trading signals All trading signals can be divided into two categories: Signals for manual market entry Signals for manual market entry...

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  • Trader (trader)

    Who is a trader? Trader (from English to trade) is a person who trades, a trader. The term is used for financial markets for those who trade relevant instruments - currencies, securities, commodities, futures, etc. Accordingly, a currency trader or trader is a person who trades currencies in the market . What kind of traders there are on the currency market? There are several conventional methods of gradation for traders. According to the degree of professionalism, traders can be divided into professionals and amateurs: A professional trader is a person who received the appropriate education and works as a trader in banks, DCs, investment funds or independently. In other words, a professional trader is a person for whom trading on the currency...

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  • What is the interest rate? The interest rate is the interest charged by the lender for the use of borrowed funds. The calculation period varies and is set out in the contract, usually monthly, quarterly or annually. What are the different interest rates? We distinguish between interest rates of the Central Bank, lending operations of credit institutions with non-banking customers, the yield of securities (such as bonds), etc. The interest rate can be real, i.e. cleared of inflation, or nominal, which takes into account the amount of inflation. There are also fixed interest rates, which do not change throughout the contract, and floating interest rates, which are reviewed once every certain period. The latter, for example, includes the interest rate...

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  • What are technical analysis patterns? Technical analysis patterns (patterns, Japanese candlestick patterns) is a tool for graphical technical analysis of financial markets, which is a variety of repeating combinations of Japanese candlesticks. What are the patterns of technical analysis? Technical analysis patterns can be divided into two categories: trend continuation patterns and reversal patterns. There are five basic patterns: Head & Shoulders, Double Top, Triple Top, Triangle and Flags. All other TA figures are their derivatives. There are many shapes of technical analysis, which are actively used by traders, both classical and new, modern. Most often the presence and reaction of the market to such patterns can be explained economically, which is why they are...

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  • What is a Price Breakdown (Price Breakdown) is a professional term for financial traders, which means the fixation of the price above / below a strong price level as support / resistance, which has been repeatedly tested by the market. True and false price breakdowns Price breakdowns can be true, when the price actively moves in the direction of the breakdown, as well as false, when a reversal occurs after the breakdown. In the latter case, it is often said that the traders did not have enough strength to hold the breakout. What happens to the price after the break in the channel? As we mentioned above, a breakout can be true or false. In case of a false breakout, the price returns to the borders of the previously formed channel.....

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  • В рамках мастер-класса «Будь трейдером с iLearney» Замедление экономического роста в США, Китае и Японии, спад в странах еврозоны заставляют аналитиков все чаще говорить о необходимости дальнейшего стимулирования национальных экономик ведущих государств мира. В качестве возможных вариантов ослабления денежно-кредитной политики рассматриваются снижение основных процентных ставок и нормативов отчислений в фонды обязательных резервов, а также увеличение объема ликвидности банковской системы путем проведения операций на открытом рынке. LTRO – последний вариант К сожалению, большинство центральных банков ограничены в возможности  дальнейшего снижения процентных ставок и норм резервирования, так как данные показатели находятся на исторически минимальных уровнях. Остается лишь последний инструмент, но опыт Европейского…

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  • What is Take Profit? Take Profit is an order to automatically close the deal with the profit when the price level is reached. Take Profit is translated into Russian as "Take Profit", this order is usually set when a trader cannot continuously watch the open trade or expects sharp price movements. How do we set Take Profit? Take Profit is set for a Buy trade above the order price, as we anticipate the price to move upwards. For example, if we opened a buy trade at EURUSD at 1.12595, and we want to make a 50 pips profit without being in the trading terminal, we should set a take profit...

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  • What is Martingale? Martingale is a system of betting management discovered by French mathematician Paul Pierre Levy. Originally, the Martingale system was used only in gambling games for calculating bets, but later it was actively used and transformed by traders in the stock and currency markets. What is the Martingale Principle? The essence of the Martingale system boils down to the following rule: you need to make an initial bet and then, every time the bet loses, double it to cover the losses in case of the next win. According to these rules, the player does not gain an advantage, but redistributes capital in order to win at any cost. That is why the Martingale system is often criticized: the costs of work...

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  • В рамках мастер-класса: «Фондовый рынок. Срез знаний».  В прошлый раз мы говорили о значении финансового планирования для начинающего трейдера фондового рынка. Если вы разобрались с этим вопросом, то самое время продолжить обучение. Важная часть на пути к финансовой свободе и успешному достижению целей финансового плана – это инвестиции и работа по увеличению своего капитала на фондовом рынке. В будущем основная тематика данного цикла статей будет посвящена именно тонкостям работы на биржевых площадках, особенностям поведения российских ценных бумаг, современным торговым стратегиям. Сейчас же мы рассмотрим основные понятия фондового трейдинга и один из нестандартных вариантов получения прибыли. Акции и доход по акциям…

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  • Партнер образовательных программ Международного финансового холдинга FIBO Group Эрик Найман Что важнее для изменения валютных курсов – разница и динамика процентных ставок, экономический рост или торговый баланс? Этот вопрос сродни известному: «Что делает одни страны богаче других?» Сила мировых валют В эпоху географических открытий основу богатств составляли торговля, в том числе колониальная. С тех времен на верхушке мирового экономического рейтинга сохранилась Великобритания с ее фунтом стерлингов. После промышленной революции на первое место вышла способность производить конкурентоспособные товары. Ярчайшим представителем этой когорты среди мировых гигантов являются Германия с евро, а также Япония с японской иеной. Исповедуя эту стратегию, пытается взобраться на…

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