Finpotrebsoyuz: Union for the Protection of Consumer Rights in Financial Services
Trading on foreign exchange market, так или иначе, связана с постоянным риском. И речь идет не только о возможном недостатке биржевых знаний, но и о высокой доле мошеннических организаций среди так называемых брокеров и дилинговых центров. С целью обеспечения безопасности и сохранности капитала при торговле на е во многих странах создаются объединения финансовых центров или частных капиталистов, предназначенные для решения любых спорных вопросов между брокером и клиентом. Сегодня рассмотрит для вас одну из основных общественных организаций в России, функционирующую с целью защиты прав трейдеров и участников денежного перераспределения, — Finpotrebsoyuz.
Market regulation in Russia by Finpotrebsoyuz
- Full title: Union for the Protection of Consumer Rights in Financial Services
- Title in English: Union for the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services
- Abbreviated title: Finpotrebsoyuz
- Subordinate countries: Russia
- The degree of trust of traders: Medium
- Official website:
This organization was created by citizens and commercial structuresThe second name of it is the "Russian Federation" and the "Russian Federation". Its second name is Union for the Protection of Consumer Rights in the Financial Sector. It directs its activities in the direction of permanent control over the activities of financial institutions - brokersThe following are some of the most important factors for the development of the market.
It should be understood that this organization works in isolation, i.e. is not directly subordinated to the Central Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance. However, it operates in constant interaction with other public organizations - in particular, with the All-Russian Union of Insurers. Thanks to the activities of Finpotrebsoyuz, citizens can receive full advice on the financial issue that has arisen and correctly file a complaint against a dealing center in case of dishonest work.
The main tasks of the organization:
- protection of the legitimate interests and rights of consumers of financial services in the country;
- increasing the level of public confidence in the currency, stock and other capital markets;
- promotion of educational services and improvement of financial knowledge among the population.
As we can see, the regulation of companies that provide services on e is provided, along with government agencies and commissions, also by public organizations. Finpotrebsoyuz is a point of reference for every Russianand with its help it is possible to solve practically any problem related to the financial sector - whether it is a bank loan or fraudulent activity of brokers registered in Russia. However, it should be understood that the main share of companies providing access to the foreign exchange market are not Russian, so it is rare to find Finpotrebsoyuz in the list of regulators of the DC you choose. If this is the case, please pay attention to the correspondence of company names at the regulator and in your service agreement.
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