Running two MT 4 terminals from one broker
We need to open two MetaTrader 4 terminal one broker, for example, if you have two accounts with that company. You want to use one account to trade EAs, and on the other account you want to trade manually without being distracted by EA positions. What to do? After all, when installing the second terminal from the same brokerage company, the installer suggests to just check the first installation? There is a way and it is very simple.
Step-by-step instructions
1. First MetaTrader 4 terminal install as usual.
2. To start the installation of the second MT4, we run the .exe installer, agree with everything and click "Next" button until we are offered to choose the installation directory.
3. In the directory selection line, change the name of the folder where the terminal will be installed to any other name, but, of course, so that you can remember what folder it is. For example, by default the installation folder is called Alpari Mt4, but we will change it to Alpari MT4 - 2 to clearly separate the second terminal.
It went like this:
Here's what we do:
4. Press the "Next". We will be prompted to select a group in the "Programs" menu. We enter the same thing that we entered in the name of the installation directory (in our example Alpari MT4 - 2). Click "Next" again and complete the installation.
5. Now you can via Start->Programs find both terminals and use them simultaneously. It's really very simple.