Stock market of the world

  • They say that 90% traders lose money on the stock market. I did not understand this statistic for a long time, because for many years I am engaged in stock trading and write analytics, publicly, as my diary. Considering the number of active accounts on the stock exchange, I have crossed the line with every fifth owner. All are successful, love their work and earn! Then why the frustrations, fears and even scary stories with "going out the window"? It's simple: those who come here unprepared lose money on the exchange market. They are "drained" from the market so quickly that I don't have time to get to know them. The ones who lose money are those who don't understand that the stock market is not a magic wand, but an ordinary business...

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  • Securities investment taxes in Russia are the most frequent question that traders and investors have. Everyone wants to be honest with the state, and at the same time use the maximum opportunities to cut costs. Let's make a little simple instruction on how much, when, and for what we pay when trading on the exchange. Most importantly, the tax on investment income is 13%. But there are some other important points. Investment Income Taxes The tax on the purchase and sale of stocks is 13% if you made a profit in the tax period. For example, you bought shares for 10,000 rubles and sold them for 15,000 rubles. Your tax would be...

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  • For a newcomer to the stock market, the question of choosing an account is not the easiest because, as always, there are many important nuances to understand. Let's talk about what is better to open an individual investment account (IIA) or a brokerage account. Let's understand the difference between the two, and which account is more profitable. Differences between a brokerage account and an IIA A brokerage account is an account that an investor opens with a broker that provides access to the exchange. Having funded his account, the investor can buy and sell securities, while the profit earned is credited to the same account. IIA, in fact, is a special case of the brokerage account, so there are some great differences between them...

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  • The stock market beckons the investor with good profits and frightens him with its complexity. However, according to the legendary Warren Buffett, you do not need to have an IQ of 130 points to make money in the stock market. Where do a beginner in the stock market begin? Naturally, with the choice of a broker! How to choose a broker in the capital market? There are 7 key criteria of selection which a beginning investor should know. Criterion №1: existence of the stock exchange license. Roughly speaking, a broker is an organization to which you give your money. High-quality work of the broker is one of the necessary conditions for making money in the stock market. Accordingly, the stock exchange license, which is issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, is...

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  • Amidst the global fall of quotations on stock exchanges and commodity prices, investors' attention is increasingly attracted to the debt market, the dynamics of which has a direct impact on changes in exchange rates on the international foreign exchange market. To understand the mechanism of how government bond yields influence currency quotations, it is necessary to refer to the basics of fundamental analysis. State credit and bond yields The activity of any state in the financial sphere is characterized by budget deficit or surplus. In the first case, the country's expenditures for various purposes exceed its income in the form of taxes or non-tax payments, which forces the use of public credit in order to cover the difference between them. The main form of public credit in...

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  • To invest in the stock market, it is not necessary to have exorbitant funds - a small amount will suffice. For example, one VTB share costs only 3.5 kopecks and for 10 thousand rubles you can buy as many as 285,000 shares. However, the commission on such transactions will quite possibly "eat up" most of the profits. Are there any optimal ways of investing a small amount on the stock market? Option №1: buy blue chips Difficulty of realization: low Risk level: medium Potential loss: up to 50% from investments Potential profit: up to 100% from investments As you already know, the most liquid shares of companies with big capitalization and which are in great demand among investors are called "blue chips" on the stock market....

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  • It is believed that the best way to save your savings is to take out a bank deposit or invest in real estate. However, for this purpose, there is another way, which has potentially greater benefits and comfort. It's called investing in securities, for which we'll need an IIM, or individual investment account. So what is an IIA and who can open one and how? What is an IIA or an individual investment account An individual investment account (IIA) is a type of brokerage account designed for operations with securities and has privileges from the state in the form of tax benefits. Funds invested in an IIA are invested in stock market instruments, including stocks, government and corporate...

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  • Futures (futures contracts)

    Futures (futures contracts) is a derivative security (derivative) which is an agreement to set conditions for the purchase or sale of a standard quantity of a certain asset at a certain time in the future, at a price set at the time of the transaction. There is a rule that there should be at least two working days between setting the terms of the transaction and its execution, otherwise the transaction is considered to be immediate. Why are futures contracts needed? Futures have three general purposes: the most important purpose of futures in general is to determine the price of an instrument. The applied meaning for market players can be one of two (or a combination): insurance against financial risks, i.e. hedging (engaged mainly in...

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  • An investor comes to the securities market to make a profit. But profit is an extensible notion, because an increase in investment in both 1% and 30% can be formally considered as income. So how much money can be earned on the Russian stock market? Speculation or investment? The currency and stock markets are similar in many ways, but there are key differences as well. In particular, it is the approach - investment or speculative. And while the currency market is dominated by speculative traders, the stock market is dominated by investors. Speculation on the stock market involves high risk, requiring special skills and training. Even the most experienced stock traders do not always manage to make money on the stock market....

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  • A bond (Latin obligato - obligation) is a type of bearer security. It is an obligation of the borrower to return the borrowed funds within a certain period of time and with certain interest. In fact, by selling a bond, the state or organization, takes a loan from the buyer, so the holder of this security is entitled to receive annual income in the form of a specified interest. The peculiarity of the bond is that it must be redeemed during the term defined at the time of its issuance. In the financial market system, bonds are also called bonds. McDonalds bond What is the essence of a bond? The essence of bonds is similar to a loan - a certain amount of money is lent with a planned return. The difference is.

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  • The Moscow Exchange is the main stock exchange in Russia. A literate investor just needs to know how exactly the trading on the Moscow Exchange takes place. Let's consider them on the example of one trading day. It is important to understand that a modern trading session on the stock market is different from the classic, familiar to all from feature films. All operations with securities are electronic and available to market participants on monitors. Morning at the Moscow Exchange: the beginning of the trading session At the beginning of each working day at the Moscow Exchange from 9:50 to 9:59 bids are collected from participants for purchase and sale. This procedure is called the opening auction. With the help of the auction for the first transactions price...

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  • How to Understand and Properly Interpret the P/E Ratio for Stock Valuation When it comes to stock valuation, the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) is the number one indicator for investors who want to know instantly what the market thinks about a company. Everyone's favorite P/E ratio can tell you a lot about a stock's price, while at the same time there are caveats to watch out for if you don't want to be fooled by its limitations. What is the price/earnings ratio? The price/earnings ratio, P/E or multiplier as it is sometimes called, compares a company's stock price to its historical EPS - earnings per share (a figure you'll find on many...

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  • Чикагская фондовая биржа (Chicago Stock Exchange, CHX) – третья крупнейшая биржевая площадка в США и самая мощная по объему торгов за пределами Нью-Йорка. Официально датой основания Чикагской фондовой биржи считается дата 21 марта 1882 года. С середины ХХ века учреждение было известно под названием Среднезападной фондовой биржи, включающим в себя площадки Нью-Орлеана, Сент-Луиса, Миннеаполиса и Кливленда помимо чикагской. Оригинальное название биржа вернула себе в 1993 году. Chicago Stock Exchange – биржа без листинга На сегодняшний день CHX является крупнейшим в США учреждением, занимающимся торговлей опционами. Биржа не имеет собственного индекса, так как она не проводит собственный листинг компаний, а предоставляет…

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  • London Stock Exchange (LSE)

    The London Stock Exchange (LSE) was officially founded in 1801 as a stock exchange in London, but started operating much earlier. The London Stock Exchange is one of the oldest platforms for trading securities. Since then the exchange survived changes of buildings, names, terrorist attacks and fires, but it is still one of the world leaders in the stock market. The history of the London Stock Exchange started in a coffee house The story of creation of the largest stock exchange for trading in London goes back to 1571, when a well-known businessman Thomas Gresham opened the Royal Exchange with his own money and with the approval of Elizabeth I, following the example of the Antwerp Exchange. Initially, the LSE only traded...

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  • In the competition between the two eternal adversaries, St. Petersburg and Moscow, the northern capital has an unqualified victory in one point: it was in the city on the Neva that the first exchange in Russia was opened. The Leningrad Mercantile Exchange "St. Petersburg" was opened on January 31, 1991. This date marked the beginning of the Leningrad Mercantile Exchange "St. Petersburg" activity. Already in April, the first trades were held on the goods market, and in September, the participants took a sample from the stock department. During the debut year futures and options market was being prepared, and the most popular commodities nomenclature was being formed in St. Petersburg and the North-Western region. These activities were not in vain: the first trades...

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  • Что такое Лондонская биржа металлов? Лондонская биржа металлов (LME, London Metal Exchange) – одна из самых влиятельных международных бирж товаров, фьючерсных и опционных сделок. Специализация биржи – цветные металлы: медь, первичный алюминий, свинец, цинк, никель, олово, алюминиевый сплав. Кроме того, на бирже торгуется индексный контракт LMEX, в состав которого входят некоторые из перечисленных металлов. Все сделки гарантируются Лондонской клиринговой палатой (London Clearing House). Годовой оборот средств на LME достигает 4500 млрд. долларов. Лондонская биржа металлов была основана в 1877 году с целью обеспечить рынок значительными поставками металлов из-за рубежа. На сегодняшний день официальные цены LME используются при заключении долгосрочных контрактов…

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  • Эволюция российского валютного рынка прошла несколько этапов. До конца 80-х годов в СССР существовала государственная монополия на внешнюю торговлю и совершение валютных операций. Валютного рынка в тот период не было. Вся валюта концент­рировалась в одних руках и распределялась из единого центра по использующим ее ведомствам в соответствии с валютным планом. Население было лишено права иметь валюту (за исключением особых случаев) и совершать валютные операции. Последние считались уголовными преступлениями и жестоко карались. Биржа ММВБ С 1989 г. стали проводиться аукционные продажи валюты, а в ав­густе 1990 г. началось формирование общесоюзного валютного рын­ка. В1992 г. открылась первая валютная биржа России – Москов­ская межбанковская…

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  • С момента появления человеческого общества существует обмен. Развитие этого процесса приводит к появлению денег и торговли. Потом возникают ярмарки, караванные пути, обильная внешняя торговля, возникает новое сословие – торговцы. Возникают такие понятия как: инвестиции, инвесторы, торговые посредники, фондовая биржа, спекуляции и спекулянты. Для обмена новостями и заключения сделок торговцам и инвесторам приходилось встречаться в трактирах, на площадях города или даже в храмах. Так появились первые биржевые собрания (прообразы фондовых бирж). Рождение самого термина «биржа» связывают с голландским городом Brugge, где жила богатая торговая семья Van der Burgser. Семья содержала гостиницу, которая и стала излюбленным пристанищем венецианских торговцев. Так выражение «пойти…

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  • What is the NYMEX? NYMEX (New York Mercantile Exchange), or the New York Mercantile Exchange, is one of the world's largest exchanges trading both futures and options contracts for oil, gasoline, natural gas, heating oil, electricity, as well as gold, silver, aluminum and platinum. In addition to virtually round-the-clock trading and clearing of all contracts offered to traders, the exchange also provides accounting for over-the-counter transactions for more than 350 derivatives on various types of energy resources. NYMEX is the largest energy and metals exchange and the first in the world to trade oil futures. NYMEX is located in New York City at One North End Avenu, NY 10282-1101. Additional...

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  • Swiss Exchange (SIX)

    Switzerland's financial traditions have long been known to all major global investors and companies that are attracted to the attractiveness of doing business and opportunities in a mountainous European country. No wonder that 25% of issuers listed on Switzerland's largest stock exchange, the SIX Swiss Exchange, are foreign-listed, which can only be compared to the performance of another securities market giant, the LSE. The creation of the Swiss stock exchange SIX Swiss Exchange is based in Zurich, and the year of its foundation is considered 1873. An association of 55 banks, each of which has an equal say in matters concerning the management and regulation of the stock exchange structure, owns shares in the exchange platform. The SIX Swiss Exchange was the first...

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