Trending strategy Starlight forex System
Good day, dear readers of we will analyze Starlight forex system strategy. This trading system first came to my attention about a year ago on one of the foreign forums. Since I did not come across any article about this strategy on competitors' sites, I will be the first to introduce you to this miracle)
Input parameters
- Currency pair: any
- Timeframe: M30-H4
- Bidding time: 24/7
- Type of strategy: trend, indicator
Installing the Starlight Strategy
The trading system is installed in the standard way. If you have done everything correctly, the desktop of the terminal should look something like this:

Used indicators
In its original form the system consisted of 5 indicators, but because of the update of the terminal, one of the indicators is no longer displayed. To be honest, I would have removed it myself, because it duplicated the function of one of the existing indicators, so the strategy has not lost anything.
- Bband Stop ver 1 - This indicator is displayed as a blue or red line above or below the price. The indicator serves as a kind of micro-trends detector. It is based on Bollinger Bands, has a parameter of 20. This indicator can be adjusted for yourself, to make it more flexible by reducing the period or on the contrary.
- Kuskus Starlight - this indicator is displayed in the form of blue and red crosses with a central line. It is responsible for entering a position. There is an opinion that this indicator is based on MACDI have not been able to find a competent manual for the indicator. In general, I could not find a competent manual on the indicator
- Williams Percent Range - standard indicator, which is located in the oscillators section of your MT4. In this strategy, it is used with parameter 14 and gives a signal to enter when the level 50 is broken. There are different variations in the use of the indicator, so everyone can optimize it for themselves.
- Stochastic - this indicator is also located in your trading terminal in the section oscillators. This system uses the stochastic line crossover signal. Parameters in the trading system are 14-3-3. Everyone can adjust these parameters and make this indicator more convenient for trading.
Conditions for opening a buy deal on the Starlight strategy
- The Bband Stop ver 1 indicator must be blue.
- The cross of the Kuskus Starlight indicator should be blue.
- The Williams Percent Range indicator should cross the 50 level from bottom to top.
- There should be a stochastic line crossing.

Conditions for opening a buy deal on the Starlight strategy
- The Bband Stop ver 1 indicator must be red.
- The cross of the Kuskus Starlight indicator should be red.
- The Williams Percent Range indicator should cross the level from top to bottom.
- There should be a stochastic line crossing.

Setting stop orders, money management
I am not tired and will not get tired of repeating that only competent money management will help you get your trading in a stable direction. For a strategy per position should not exceed 5%. How do I argue that? The number of positions. Believe me, with perfect compliance with the signals, you will not have too many of them, and the practice in the tester showed that on average one profitable position can cover 2 Elk.
Stop order set on the local minimum or maximums. Also the system provides for placing a stop order on the line of the Bband indicator.

Author's Conclusion
стратегия Starlight forex System удивляет своей простотой и универсальностью. Любой более-менее разбирающийся трейдер сможет подстроить ее под себя. Из плюсов простота и универсальность, из минусов — страдает во flute and needs to be filtered by the news. I think that the strategy is too afraid of sawtooth, and some oscillators help to break down the sawtooth))). Good luck with the trend and good luck with your studies.
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