Plate-sized tarantula found in Sri Lanka

Giant Tarantula

Three years ago a similar spider killed a man in the Indian village of Mankulam.

The locals then managed to kill the insect and show it to the biologists. Scientists immediately realized that the dead spider was unique in its size, so a group of researchers went in search of a live specimen.

И вот недавно поиски увенчались успехом – живой тарантул был обнаружен в помещении заброшенной деревенской больницы.

According to scientists, this species of tarantula is very rare.
They usually live in rotted trees, but because of habitat reduction due to deforestation, spiders are making their way into abandoned buildings.
This species, Poecilotheria rajaei, belongs to the class of South American tarantulas, which includes the largest tarantulas. The leg length of this tarantula reaches 20 cm.

Биологи считают, что несмотря ни на что, дикая природа продолжает выживать, адаптируясь к меняющимся условиям, – но в то же время,  уничтожая места обитания, мы  обрекаем на вымирание виды, о которых мы даже не знаем.

According to the foreign press for

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