Nuances of trading with the Ishimoku indicator
Some quite a while ago we published lessons on trading Ishimoku indicator by Andrei Lukin, links to which you can find below. Today we will return to this topic, refresh our memory and try to answer some questions related to practical use of the rules of these lessons. This article is written in the form of a question-answer, but to fully understand its essence we recommend to take a look at the literacy on the Ishimoku indicator.
Lessons on the Ishimoku
- Lessons on Ishimoku: the indicator, its components and basic signals
- Trading with Ishimoku: the cloud, its purpose and trading signals
- Lessons on Ishimoku: market entry and stop orders
- Trading with Indicator Ishimoku: Chinkou Span and its signals
- Lessons on Ishimoku: interaction with candlestick analysis
- Lessons on Ishimoku: Interaction with Channels and Elliott Waves
QuestionWhen the TC and the CC move towards each other due to an impending
разворота и пересекаются, это тоже «мертвый крест»?
Reply: If there is a cross between the Tenkan Sen and Kijun Sen, it will be a cross. If the Tenkan Sen is on top, it is a "golden cross", the Tenkan Sen on the bottom is a "dead cross".
Question: Ishimoku is a great indicator. This morning I drew this picture on the 4-hour chart to show the most likely movement.

Reply: According to this figure, we have to wait for the confirmation of the cross by the Chinkou Span on the breakdown of the price chart and then the price breakdown of the clouds. Then there will be a change trends. If there is a rebound, then your option would be appropriate.
- I didn't wait for confirmation at that moment, just compared everything and went up almost immediately after making the figure. I put up the chart because the levels haven't changed much since then: just as I thought, we reached the KC and are successfully pulling away from it. The red line is the projection of that massive cloud on the daily chart.
— Вот тут я бы Вам хотел сказать, что Вы слишком большие параметры поставили на индикатор. Как следствие – запаздывание сигналов, а то и вообще их отсутствие. Как я понял из рисунка, это Н4. У меня «мертвый крест» образовался гораздо ранее от первой черной свечи с открытием на 1.9950. При этом цена пробила Тенкан и Киджун и Сенкоу Спаны поменяли цвет облака — сильнейший сигнал на продажу. А к тому времени, когда у вас, наконец-то, появился крест, у меня Тенкан и Киджун уже давали разворотный сигнал. А через пару свечей после того, как вы предложили нам рассмотреть рисунок, у меня уже нарисовался «золотой крест». Вы не получили ни одного сигнала. А те, что и промелькнули, были уже неактуальны.

Question: Tell me, do the settings you published only for the pound, or for other pairs, too?
Response: The settings of the Ishimoku indicator selected for TF of one instrument are perfectly suitable for other currency pairs as well. To make it easier for you to use the selected settings for other instruments, take advantage of the opportunity to make a template.
Question: Andrey, tell me, do you change the parameters of the Ishimoku indicator in some way depending on the market situation (I mean on the same instrument and on the same TF)? You said that you use standard settings for the daily TF, but the chart shows different ones.
Response: Да, я немного изменил настройки для дневного графика – приблизил их к нашим реалиям жизни. То есть взял за основу то, что в наше время рабочая неделя все-таки 5-тидневная. Отсюда и небольшое изменение параметров: 10-22-66 (две рабочих недели — один рабочий месяц — один рабочий квартал).
Question: Andrey, a question to you as an expert on Ishimoku: haven't you tried to put the Chinkou line ahead of the chart? Only a reversal: if, according to the classic method, Chinkou crosses the price chart, then in the new version - the price crosses the taken out Chinkou.

ReplyWhy would you do that? Let it stay the way it was designed by the creator of the indicator. Of course, the fact that people are beginning to experiment with this oldest instrument deserves attention. But I myself, in fact, am conservative in such matters. Again, it is necessary to test such a vision of the indicator on history and in real time. I think it will take about 3-4 months. Try it out, experiment. Then share your successes.