Arrow trading indicator VZO+AC AA AA MTF RP+NRP LBV+TT
Arrow trading indicator VZO+AC AA AA MTF RP+NRP LBV+TT - is a combination of Volume Zone Oscillator and Acceleration/Deceleration indicators, which gives the opportunity, depending on the settings, to receive trading signals directly in the form of arrows, as well as analyze divergence and levels overbought и oversold.
Volume Zone Oscillator - the ratio of tick volumes relative to the direction of price change on each candle:
- if the VZO readings are in the range ±20 - the market is in the phase of consolidation;
- if the VZO reading is about ±60 - you should expect the current trend.
AC measures the acceleration/deceleration of the market driving force. AC is the difference between the VZO histogram and its signal MA.

The VZO+AC AA MTF RP+NRP LBV+TT indicator was written by Tankk, who has gained popularity on the traders forum their profitable indicators.
The VZO+AC AA MTF RP+NRP LBV+TT indicator has an extended set of parameters that can be adjusted according to your trading preferences.

Arrow trading indicator VZO+AC AA AA MTF RP+NRP LBV+TT - Another accurate and effective tool in the technical piggy bank of traders, capable, when used correctly, to significantly increase the profits.
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