Trend indicators

  • SLMA indicator belongs to the category of trend indicators and is visually similar to the classical moving average. Despite the external similarity to the Moving Average, the SLMA trend indicator calculation algorithm is fundamentally different. SLMA takes into account the trend direction at different price levels and is calculated using several price averages for different periods. Application of trend indicator SLMA in trading A fundamentally different algorithm for constructing the SLMA indicator has eliminated the lag characteristic of moving average. SLMA tries to catch up with and get ahead of the price, which makes it possible to determine the trend reversal points ahead of time. Like the moving average, the SLMA trend indicator can represent a support/resistance level for the price. According to experts of magazine, the indicator...

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  • The Volatility quality trend indicator is designed to enter the market in the direction of the current trend. The indicator is displayed in the basement of the currency pair chart in the form of a line, the color of which corresponds to the current trend. When the trend changes, an arrow of the corresponding direction and color appears on the Volatility quality indicator. The Volatility quality signal trend indicator is a multitrend indicator, which allows displaying data from any selected timeframe on a chart. Volatility quality indicator settings TimeFrame - timeframe in minutes Lenght - affects the frequency and accuracy of signals; Method - smoothing method Smoothing - degree of smoothing Filter - filtering, the greater the value, the less signals and...

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  • The SuperTrend nrp new mtf 2 trend indicator is an optimized modification of the most popular SuperTrend indicator, designed to determine the direction of the current trend based on ATR and CCI indicator readings. The SuperTrend nrp new mtf 2 trend indicator is presented in two versions: as a line on the price chart and as a histogram in the basement. Changing color of the line (histogram bars) indicates a change in market trend. The SuperTrend nrp new mtf 2 indicator implements the multiframe principle, which allows you to display readings from the desired timeframe on the price chart of the currency pair. This important feature allows you to put several indicators on the chart with readings from different timeframes, which will increase the efficiency of...

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  • The StepMA trend indicator pdf nmc 3.01 is the latest version of the StepMA indicator, which has long been popular among traders and in which the errors of version 7 have been corrected. The signal trend indicator StepMA pdf nmc 3.01 is a modified moving average with several parameters added and that allows optimizing indicator's reading according to your trading preferences. Indicator StepMA pdf nmc 3.01 is a multiframe, that is, it allows displaying the value of the indicator on the price chart of the currency pair from the timeframe specified in the settings. Application of the signal trend indicator StepMA pdf nmc 3.01 in trading Since the indicator StepMA pdf nmc 3.01 is a trend indicator, it changes color depending on the direction of the current trend and...

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  • VelocityWeves indicator is designed to analyze trends and displays on the price chart of a currency pair the size, average volume and speed of price change of each trend, including the current one. The author of indicator is cmillion, user of forum. Additionally, the VelocityWeves indicator has an audible alert and a dialog box that appears when the price exceeds the value in pips. According to experts of magazine, the VelocityWeves indicator will be useful for trend trading strategies. Download VelocityWeves Indicator Other Trend Indicators

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  • The Visual MACD indicator is a modification of the standard MACD indicator of the MetaTrader 4 platform. In contrast to the classic indicator, Visual MACD is not displayed in the "basement", but directly on the price chart of the currency pair in the form of shaded areas, the color of which corresponds to the position of the histogram of the standard indicator relative to the zero line. Another difference between the Visual MACD indicator and the standard one is the presence of a second signal line. When used in trading, Visual MACD does not allow it to detect divergences but it works very well as a trend indicator. The greater the distance between the moving averages (signal lines), the wider the shaded area, which in turn indicates the strength of the current trend. Education...

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  • The i-Alligator Zone trend indicator is made in the form of a histogram located in the basement window of the currency pair price chart and is designed to determine the direction and strength of the trend present in the market. The strength of the trend is determined by the thickness of the histogram bars. The direction of the trend is determined by the color of bars on the histogram: the red bar indicates a downward trend, the green bar - an uptrend. In addition, the trend indicator notifies on the presence of a trend using a signal window. According to experts of magazine, the i-Alligator Zone indicator can be used as a filter in trend-following trading strategies. Download i-Alligator Zone Indicator Other Trend Indicators

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  • Трендовый индикатор Advance Decline Ratio (ADR) является адаптацией индикатора, применявшегося на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже NYSE, к валютному рынку . Индикатор предназначен для определения рыночных импульсов путем определения соотношения повышательных и понижательных импульсов цены. Применение индикатора Advance Decline Ratio (ADR) в торговле Одновременный рост цены и индикатора ADR расценивается как признак наличия сильной восходящей тенденции. Одновременное снижение цены и индикатора ADR расценивается как признак наличия сильной нисходящей тенденции. Расхождение направлений цены и индикатора ADR расценивается как признак возможной смены тренда. Пересечение индикатором ADR уровня 1,00 снизу вверх расценивается как наличие восходящего тренда. Пересечение индикатором ADR уровня 1,00 сверху вниз расценивается как…

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  • The Alternative Ichimoku v07 indicator is an alternative to the standard Ishimoku indicator of the MetaTrader 4 platform. Alternative Ichimoku v07 indicator settings The SSP parameter is the value of the lag of the first (leading) line of the cloud. If the price is outside the cloud, it is interpreted as a trend. The SSK parameter is the lag value of the second (lagging) line of the cloud. The price exit from the cloud is interpreted as a change of the market trend. The second value is the line of stop orders of the second level. The line located inside the cloud is considered as a line of stop orders and its breakdown is considered as a sign of trend reversal. Application of the Alternative Ichimoku v07 indicator in trading The Alternative Ichimoku v07 indicator does not have the Kijun-sen and Tenkan-sen lines inherent in the standard indicator. Instead of them in the cloud...

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  • ULTRA TREND ver2 is a universal indicator, because it combines the qualities of a trend indicator and an oscillator. The ULTRA TREND ver2 indicator minimizes lag and implements additional filters of market noise. The ULTRA TREND ver2 indicator allows you to: Determine the market trend. Determine trend strength (maximum and minimum indicator value) Determine support and resistance levels. Use overbought and oversold levels. Build Elliott Waves and Fibonacci levels. According to experts, the ULTRA TREND ver2 indicator can replace a number of standard indicators of the MetaTrader 4 platform, as well as become the core for developing effective trading strategies. Download ULTRA TREND ver2 Indicator You may also be interested in

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  • Signal indicator HalfTrend v1.02 is developed on the basis of the popular indicator Ozymandias, which reliably tracks the trend on the market and filters sharp fluctuations and market noise. The indicator displays market entry signals in the form of red and blue arrows. In the settings you can set the notification by sound signal, dialog box or e-mail. experts note that there is buysellarrowscalper indicator in the network, which is a paid analog of HalfTrend v1.02 signal indicator. HalfTrend v1.02 indicator can be used as an independent source of signals only after checking for redrawing and introducing additional filters. Download indicator HalfTrend v1.02 Discussion of indicator HalfTrend v1.02 in the forum Other signal indicators

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  • The MA ribbon filled_Alerts indicator displays signals about the intersection of two moving averages in the form of arrows on the price chart of a currency pair. The space between the moving averages is colored depending on their mutual location. The indicator settings allow you to customize the parameters of moving averages, display signals both at the moment of direct crossing of moving averages and after the closing of the current candle. Additionally, the signals can be sent to e-mail. According to experts, the MA ribbon filled_Alerts indicator can become one of the main elements of a trend trading strategy or can be used as a filter. Download MA ribbon filled_Alerts indicator Other signal indicators

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  • Elder's Rays indicator is one of the best indicators of 2014 and allows you to assess the strength of buyers and sellers in the market, as well as to determine the change of trend. Elder's Rays indicator is a combination of exponential moving average EMA (13) and standard indicators Bulls Power and Bears Power. Learn more about the Elder's Rays technical analysis method According to experts, the Elder's Rays indicator combines the best qualities of trend indicators and oscillators, which makes it a powerful tool for determining market entry points. Elder's Rays indicator can become the basis for trend strategies. Download the indicator "Elder's Rays" You may also be interested in

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  • Индикатор тренда Begin Trend построен для нахождения точек входа в рынок с применением стандартного индикатора Moving Average платформы MetaTrader 4. Настройки индикатора тренда Begin Trend Period_Channel – период скользящизх средних, на основе которых рассчитываются границы динамического диапазона. Period_Input – период скользящей средней, на основе которой рассчитывается средняя линия торгового диапазона. Применение индикатора Begin Trend в торговле Индикатор тренда Begin Trend отображается в подвальном окне ценового графика в виде двух независимых линий красного и зеленого цвета, приближение которых к нулевой линии расценивается как сигнал на вход в рынок. Сильным сигналом считается подход сигнальной линии к нулевому уровню и отскок от него:…

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  • Volatility Hyper Trend indicator is a signal indicator, which is based on the use of two standard ATR indicators. ATR indicators are used with the same period and differ only in the multiplier, which provides the difference in their sensitivity and, accordingly, the shift of these indicators relative to each other. The signals to buy (blue arrow) and sell (red arrow) appear at the intersection of the ATR indicators, arising from changes in volatility levels. At the same time, the segments of the ATR indicators have colors that correspond to the current price trend: Blue - upward trend; Red - downward trend; Green - neutral trend. According to experts of magazine, when using the Volatility Hyper Trend indicator as...

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  • индикатор Ma Parabolic является результатом сочетания двух стандартных индикаторов Moving Average и Parabolic SAR. Индикатор Ma Parabolic располагает точки Parabolic SAR относительно индикатора Moving Average. Скользящая средняя имеет стандартные настройки, а для индикатора Parabolic SAR применены отдельные настройки для верхних и нижних точек. Настройки индикатора Ma Parabolic Ma – период Moving Average; method – метод усреднения Moving Average: 0 — простое скользящее среднее (SMA), 1 — экспоненциальное скользящее среднее (EMA), 2 — сглаженное скользящее среднее (SMMA), 3 — линейно-взвешенное скользящее среднее (LWMA); app_price – цена усреднения: 0 — цена закрытия (Close), 1 — цена открытия (Open), 2 — максимальная цена…

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  • индикаторы xSuperTrend предназначены для визуализации тренда в трендовых стратегиях. В состав сборки входят индикаторы: SuperTrend hull & alerts xSuperTrend xSuperTrend Alert xSuperTrend Candles xSuperTrend MTF xSuperTrend MTF & alerts xSuperTrend Tape xSuperTrend Tape MTF Индикаторы xSuperTrend с приставкой MTF могут показывать направление и изменение тренда как на текущем, так и на старшем таймфрейме. Для этого в настройках индикаторов MTF нужно изменить параметры: «(название индикатора)_TimeFrame» — ввод нужного таймфрейма в ручном режиме, по умолчанию 0 (текущий таймфрейм); «(название индикатора)_AutoTF» — автоматически отображает следующий старший таймфрейм относительно текущего, по умолчанию true. По мнению экспертов журнала индикаторы xSuperTrend могут быть использованы в…

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  • индикатор BatMA представляет собой модифицированный стандартный индикатор Moving Average. индикатор BatMA предоставляет возможность использовать в нем как общепринятые методы усреднения (SMA, SMMA, LWMA, EMA), так и усреднение посредством фильтра Баттерворта второго порядка. В радиотехнике подобный фильтр используется для разделения частотных сигналов. Настройки индикатора индикатора BatMA MA_Period – период скользящей средней, стандартный параметр; MA_Shift – сдвиг линии индикатора относительно ценового графика, в барах; MA_Method – метод усреднения скользящей средней: 0 — простая скользящая средняя (SMA), 1 — экспоненциальная скользящая средняя (EMA), 2 — сглаженная скользящая средняя (SMMA), 3 — линейно-взвешенная скользящая средняя (LWMA), 4 — сглаживание фильтром Баттерворта 2-го порядка (BatMA).…

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  • индикатор Parabolic SW создан на основе стандартных индикаторов Parabolic SAR и MACD. В отличие от стандартного Parabolic SAR, точки индикатора расположены не на графике цены, а в его подвальной части. Вторым отличием от стандартного индикатора является расчет точек не относительно ценового графика, а с использованием сигнальной линии индикатора MACD. Настройки индикатора Step –параметр «Шаг» индикатора Parabolic SAR; Maximum –параметр «Максимум» индикатора Parabolic SAR; FastEMA –параметр «Быстрое EMA» индикатора MACD; SlowEMA –параметр «Медленное EMA» индикатора MACD; SignalSMA –параметр «MACD SMA» индикатора MACD. Значения индикатора MACD просчитываются, используя цену Close. Применение в торговле Для улучшения визуализации рекомендуется наложить индикатор Parabolic SW на…

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  • Psevdo regress v2 indicator is designed for trading in a channel or on a breakdown. The Psevdo regress v2 indicator displays lines that look like regression lines, but are not. That's why the word "pseudo" is in the name. On the price chart of the currency pair, the Psevdo regress v2 indicator displays two red lines and one yellow line. Lines of red color are drawn on fractals down for an uptrend and on fractals up for a downtrend. The yellow line marks the middle of the price channel formed by the red lines. The main line in the indicator is yellow. Its direction and slope angle indicate the current trend of the trading instrument. According to experts...

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