
  • ChannelsFIBO MTF indicator is a modification of the ChannelsFIBO indicator, in which the function of multitimeframe display has been added. The item "Initial data timeframe" is added to the ChannelsFIBO MTF indicator parameters, by changing it, you can display a channel built on the Fibonacci levels from any timeframe on the price chart of the currency pair. The experts of pay attention that the indicator ChannelsFIBO MTF shows data only from higher timeframes, which must be taken into account when trading. Download ChannelsFIBO MTF indicator Other indicators on Fibonacci numbers

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  • Стрелочный индикатор Future Indicator построен на скользящих средних, которые сдвинуты влево, по отношению к ценовому графику. Индикатор дает четкие сигналы на вход в рынок. Для повышения четкости сигналов индикатора Future Indicator, автор рекомендует использовать параметр MaPeriod. Рекомендуемый для торговли таймфрейм: Н1. По мнению экспертов журнала, стрелочный индикатор Future Indicator, несмотря на простоту, является довольно эффективным инструментом. Рекомендуем использовать его для торговли по тренду с использованием дополнительного фильтра. Скачать индикатор Future Indicator Другие стрелочные и сигнальные индикаторы

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  • The RenkoTMA trend trading strategy is based on a classic combination of trend indicators and oscillator: moving averages, TMA indicator and MACD oscillator and uses Renko charts. Input parameters Currency pairs: any highly volatile currency pairs. Time frame: any Renko charts are used. Trading hours: any. Risk management: After calculation of stop-loss, select such a volume of lot, that the risk should not exceed 2-5% of deposit per one trade. Installing Expert Advisor, Indicators and Strategy Template Unpack the archive with templates and indicators. Copy the Expert Advisor to the MQL4 folder -> experts. Copy the indicators into the MQL4 folder -> indicators. Copy the template into the templates folder. Restart the terminal. Open the chart of the desired currency pair. Switch to the timeframe Activate...

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  • Flag and Pennant patterns indicator is designed to display Flag and Pennant patterns on the price chart of a currency pair. To find Flag and Pennant figures the linear regression principle is used. The flag figure is displayed by blue lines, the Pennant figure - by red lines. According to experts of magazine, Flag and Pennant patterns indicator can be used as an auxiliary one. You can use it in combination with the volume indicators for clearer identification of TA figures. Download Flag and Pennant patterns indicator Other pattern indicators

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  • Ishimoku Scalping is a scalping adapted trend trading strategy Ishimoku System, which is based on Ishimoku indicator signals in conjunction with oscillators and Bollinger Bands. Since this is a scalping strategy, it is recommended to use currency pairs with the lowest spread. Input parameters Currency pairs: Any. Time frame: M5. Trading hours: London, New York. Risk management: after calculation of stop-loss, select such a volume of lot, that the risk should not exceed 2-5% of deposit on one trade. Used indicators Bollinger Bands (20, 1, close) ADI (14, 14) Slow stoch (3, 3, 14, 50, 50) CCI (50, 50, -50) Ichimoku (default) Strategy template installation Unpack the archive with the...

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  • индикатор Stochastic Only – это стрелочный индикатор, построенный на уровнях перекупленности и перепроданности индикатора Стохастик. В индикаторе используются три индикатора Стохастик  с разными настройками: медленный (период по умолчанию 700, уровни 10 и 90); средний (период по умолчанию 120, уровни 10 и 90); быстрый (период по умолчанию 30, уровни 5 и 95). При нахождении всех трех индикаторов в зоне перекупленности/перепроданности, индикатор Stochastic Only дает сигнал на вход в рынок в виде стрелки соответствующего цвета и направления. По мнению экспертов журнала, можно увеличить количество подаваемых сигналов, изменив настройки уровней перекупленности/перепроданности, однако, качество этих сигналов может ухудшиться. Дополнительно можно оптимизировать сигнальный индикатор…

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  • ChannelsFIBO indicator is a modification of MA Channels FIBO indicator, in which the re-rating has been eliminated, and the calculation of values has been accelerated several times. ChannelsFIBO indicator searches for the maximum price shift from the moving average on the selected interval and takes it as 100% channel. Based on this displacement, the indicator lines up with percentage values by Fibonacci numbers. According to experts of, indicators based on Fibonacci levels are among the most accurate and profitable indicators on . Therefore, using the ChannelsFIBO indicator will increase the effectiveness of any trading strategy. Download ChannelsFIBO Indicator Other Indicators Based on Fibonacci Numbers

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  • Every trader knows that the MetaTrader 4 trading platform is periodically updated. Of course, there are positive moments in it, but today let's talk about the disadvantages of such updates. With each new version, MetatTrader 4 becomes heavier and more demanding to computer resources. And if a trader uses the built-in strategy tester for testing indicators and trading Expert Advisors, the "weight" of MT4 can reach 10 GB or more. The high demand for PC resources creates a problem for traders who use VPS servers for testing Expert Advisors, reducing the number of terminals available for installation on a server. All these problems lead to the fact that the trading terminal often hangs and slows down, taking up hard...

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  • The Heiken Ashi in Subwindow indicator is a fairly simple tool that displays Heiken Ashi candles in the basement of the price chart. Traders know that the classic Heiken Ashi candlesticks on the price chart make its analysis quite difficult, cluttering up the Japanese candlesticks. The Heiken Ashi indicator in Subwindow allows you to unload the price chart, making it easy and accessible to read. According to the experts of magazine, the Heiken Ashi in Subwindow indicator will greatly optimize your trading. You can improve it by adding the display of Bid and Ask, referring to the topic "Refinement of bots (Expert Advisors, indicators)," which will increase the accuracy of signals for entry. Download Heiken Ashi indicator in Subwindow Other Heiken Ashi indicators

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  • Trend Trading Strategy Direction Movement Index with MA is a simple trading system based solely on the interaction of trend indicators. Input parameters Currency pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CHF. Time frame: M15. Trading hours: London, New York. Risk management: after stop-loss calculation choose such a volume of a lot, that the risk should not exceed 2-5% of the deposit per one trade. Used indicators Directional Movement Index (D+ D-, 14 periods), 5 Weight moving Average (close), 11 Simple moving Average (close), Parabolic Sar (0.1 0.01) Indicators and strategy template installation Unpack the archive with the template. Copy the template into the templates folder. Open the chart of the desired currency pair. Install the template named ADX. The chart shall...

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  • Custom Bollinger Bands indicator is a modification of the standard Bollinger Band indicator with advanced settings. In Custom Bollinger Bands indicator the following parameters are available: Moving Average Methods: Simple Exponential Smoothed Linear Weighted Variants of the applied prices: Close price Opening price Maximum price Minimum price Average price Typical price Weighted average price According to experts, using Custom Bollinger Bands indicator instead of standard Bollinger Bands will better affect market entry accuracy and profitability of trading strategies. Download Custom Bollinger Bands Indicator Other Channel Indicators

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  • MA Cross histo_mtf+alerts nmc indicator is a trend indicator displaying price reversal points. Price reversal is defined as the crossing of fast and slow moving averages. MA Cross histo_mtf+alerts nmc indicator is displayed as a histogram, where: red bars indicate a downtrend; green bars indicate an uptrend. The MA Cross histo_mtf+alerts nmc indicator implements a multitemporal mode that allows displaying signals from the selected time interval on the chart. When moving averages are crossed the bar chart bar changes its color and the MA Cross histo_mtf+alerts nmc indicator alerts the trader accordingly. According to the experts of, the advantage of the MA Cross histo_mtf+alerts nmc indicator is its simplicity. At the same time it is necessary to consider...

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  • индикатор iFibonacci – это индикатор, позволяющий использовать практически любой из инструментов Фибоначчи, построенные на показаниях индикатора ZigZag. индикатор iFibonacci автоматически наносит на график: Сетку расширений Фибоначчи; Дуги Фибоначчи; Веер Фибоначчи; Временные зоны Фибоначчи. При этом, возможно отключение неиспользуемого вами инструмента. Дополнительные возможности индикатора iFibonacci: Контроль значений ZigZag: глубина, отклонение, отскок. Изменение цвета, толщины и стиля отображения всех инструментов. Возможность отрисовки инструментов на определенном таймфрейме. Показать/спрятать дополнительные уровни: 14.6, 23.6, 76.4, 88.6, 127.2. Показать дневные, недельные и месячные максимумы и минимумы с опорными точками разворота Отрисовка треугольников на последних 6 точках ZigZag. Показывать время свечи слева от нее. Индикаторы Фибоначчи всегда…

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  • Trend Trading Strategy MTF SuperTrend Trading System is a combined system based on the SuperTrend indicator and exponential moving average with a period of 5. Input parameters Currency pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, USD/CAD, USD/JPY, GBP/JPY. Time frame: M15 Trading time: London, New York. Risk management: after calculation of stop-loss, select such a volume of lot, that the risk should not exceed 2-5% of deposit on one transaction. Used indicators Supertrend clear; MTF Supertrend (TF 60, CCI 60, ATR -1); UP Down Indicator (HL 4); Exponential moving average 5 period (median price). Installing the indicators and the system's template: Unpack the archive with the templates and indicators. Copy the indicators to the folder MQL4 -> indicators....

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  • WolfWavesFind indicator is designed to search for Wolf Waves and display them in the current window of the trading terminal. In contrast to other indicators of Wolf Waves, the WolfWavesFind indicator has several features that significantly increase its effectiveness: First - the Open Windows 5Point parameter (value true) provides informational support, i.e. it unfolds the window of the chart on which the Wolf Waves appeared. For example, if EURUSD, AUDUSD and GBPUSD charts are open, and the WolfeWavesFind indicator is installed on each of them, then, in case a model is detected on the euro, the corresponding chart will automatically be displayed over the others, which becomes very convenient for trading a great number of instruments. For correct operation...

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  • the Ultimate Trend Signals v2 indicator is a compilation of signal and information indicators, which, according to the developers, work on the most advanced algorithms for profitable trading. the Ultimate Trend Signals v2 indicator uses RSI, MACD and moving average indicators to analyze the current situation, the results of which are displayed on the information panel for each timeframe. To identify price reversal points, the Ultimate Trend Signals v2 indicator uses the Non-Repaint ADX Crossing indicator, which displays entry signals in the form of points of appropriate color. The developers do not recommend using the Ultimate Trend Signals v2 indicator in sluggish market conditions, due to distorted information, and advise using it between Tuesday and Thursday, avoiding Monday...

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  • Информационный индикатор Zamer Price предназначен для планирования трейдером своих сделок и является незаменимым помощником для соблюдений правил манименджмента. Информационный индикатор Zamer Price состоит из трех линий: Голубая линия – предполагаемый уровень открытия сделки; Розовая линия – предполагаемый уровень ордера стоп-лосс; Зеленая линия – предполагаемый уровень ордера тейк-профит. Передвигая линии обычным способом, предусмотренным в терминале MetaTrader 4 для работы с графическими объектами, трейдер будет видеть, какую прибыль или убыток он получит при открытии позиции с заданного уровня и уровнями стоп-лосс и тейк-профит. Настройки индикатора Zamer Price не представляют собой никаких трудностей и интуитивно понятны. Обратите внимание на параметр BUY. При его…

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  • The MA Candles Channel Trading strategy is based on a channel of two moving averages and uses Price Action trading tactics to determine entry points. Input parameters Currency pairs: any, recommended: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, GBP/JPY, EUR/JPY Time frame: M30 and higher. Trading time: any. Risk management: after calculation of stop-loss, select such a volume of lot, that the risk should not exceed 2-5% of deposit on one trade. Used indicators SMA (233); SMA (56); MA Candles Channel (9, 34); Stochastic histogram (14,3,3) Indicator and strategy template installation Unpack the archive with templates and indicators. Copy the indicators to the folder MQL4 -> indicators. Copy the templates into the templates folder. Restart the terminal....

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  • Arrow indicator Stop reversal bluestops + alerts mod is a signal indicator, which displays on the price chart entry points and levels of setting stop-loss orders. Position opening levels are displayed as arrows of appropriate color. The Stop reversal bluestops + alerts mod indicator signals do not redraw. The signal for closing a position is the appearance of an arrow of the opposite direction. Setting the level of stop-loss is possible both at a given distance, and on the basis of the volatility level calculation. The indicator duplicates the graphical signals with sound, text message and e-mail. According to the experts of magazine, the arrow indicator Stop reversal bluestops + alerts mod should be used on pairs with high volatility and...

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  • RSI Peak and Valley_alerts indicator is a signal modification of the popular RSI oscillator, which allows to determine the price reversal points with high accuracy. Like the standard oscillator, the RSI Peak and Valley_alerts indicator operates with overbought and oversold levels, crossing with which is additional confirmation for opening a position. At the price reversal points on the RSI Peak and Valley_alerts indicator line, a cross of the corresponding color appears, which gives a signal to enter the market. The entry signal is duplicated by sound, text message and e-mail. The experts of think that the signals of the RSI Peak and Valley_alerts indicator should be checked with trend indicator, and positions should be opened only in the direction of the current trend. Download the indicator...

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