Trading Psychology
How do you get out of your comfort zone to increase your profits?
Как часто вы выходите из зоны комфорта? В статьях о психологии трейдинга часто говорится о том, что необходимо приучать свой…
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Trading Psychology
The psychological traps of trading: stress and when things don't work out?!
Когда вы примите окончательное решение сделать трейдинг своей основной профессией, то на этом увлекательном пути можете встретиться с некоторыми сложностями,…
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For the novice trader
How 50,000 $ broke a profitable trader
В качестве коуча я сотрудничаю с небольшой финансовой компанией, профессиональным участником рынка ценных бумаг, которая, в том числе, осуществляет доверительное…
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For the novice trader
Trader's trading plan - 17 rules of my trading business!
Что такое торговый план, зачем он нужен и как его составить? Торговый план трейдера может быть настолько простым или сложным,…
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For the novice trader
Trader's trading target: 14 psychological rules for success
Недавно мне довелось разговаривать с трейдером, который сказал, что у него была цель увеличить свой торговый депозит с 150 000…
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For the novice trader
Trader's responsibility and 4 methods of future success in trading
One of the key qualities possessed by people who are successful in a wide variety of fields is the ability to take full responsibility for...
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Trading Psychology
Meditation on how to take a loss
One of my main goals in working with traders is to help people understand what trading in general is, what...
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Trading Psychology
What should NOT a trader tell himself when he loses money?
Emotional pain is one of the most common ways our brain reacts to loss. And it doesn't matter to it what exactly...
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Trading Psychology
How to trick your brain and become a profitable trader
Most traders know that the psychology of trading is the most important piece of the puzzle. In search of an answer to the question "how to become profitable...
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Trading Psychology
The test: what type of trader are you? 7 questions to get to know yourself
Who are you? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Is your native element universal chaos, or do you need order...
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Trading Psychology
Fear of loss! 5 questions to ask yourself after a loss
When you lose money as a result of trading, and it's bound to happen, and more than once, ask yourself these five questions. They are...
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Trading Psychology
The trader's way: from a beginner to three lost deposits and a successful strategy
In our previous article we discussed the issue of choosing a trading strategy based on a trader's psycho-type. Now, as a continuation of the topic, let's see...
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Trading Psychology
How to find your trading strategy! In 3 Steps
Almost every trader that I have worked with or just talked to started their way in this profession "backwards" ....
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Trading Psychology
Trader, help yourself! Tools of self-psychology
In the previous article, we discussed techniques and fast, effective tools for trader self-development. In this one we will talk about the application of...
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Trading Psychology
Your own psychologist! Notes to help the trader
My work with traders as a psychologist is aimed not only at changing the model of thinking and, as a consequence, the model of...
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Trading Psychology
Fear, anger and sadness: enemies or friends of the trader?
You may think of yourself as a rational being, but in fact everything you do in life...
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Trading Psychology
Why do successful traders go bankrupt?
Why do successful traders turn into bankrupt traders? Is it simply the result of a few failed trades or is it somehow related to the general problems of intraday trading...
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Trading Psychology
Meditation for the trader
If you have never meditated before, at least read this text to the end, and then decide whether you need to...
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Trading Psychology
4 dangerous states of a trader. Obsessive-compulsive trading
Do you ever feel like there are certain compulsive tendencies in your trading that can slow you down on your path to success? А...
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Trading Psychology
Emotional Sabotage. 3 Ways to Manage Emotions in Trading
Controlling your emotions while trading Actually, this may sound funny. Throughout childhood and much of our...
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