Finance and Economics

  • Freakonomics

    Автор: Стивен Левитт, Стивен Дабнер Англ.: Freakonomics Переводчик: Павел Миронов Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер Страниц: 272 стр. Формат: 70×100/16 (167×236 мм) Тираж: 3000 экз. Переплет: твердый  КРАТКО О КНИГЕ О СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ЗАКОНАХ ЭКОНОМИКИ Эта книга потрясла мир деловой литературы и моментально стала бестселлером. И неудивительно. «Фрикономика», пожалуй, самая нестандартная и провокационная книга последних лет о законах экономики и жизни современного общества. «Экономист-диссидент» Стивен Левитт вместе с писателем и журналистом Стивеном Дабнером задался целью огорошить читателя, открыв ему «тайную сторону всего». Авторы наблюдают за обычными, казалось бы, явлениями нашей жизни, сопоставляют некоторые факты и показывают неожиданные экономические и психологические механизмы,…

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  • Author: Murray Rothbard English: A History of Money and Baking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II Translator: Boris Pinsker Publisher: Socium Series: Austrian School Pages: 548 pages Format: 60×90/16 (145×217 mm) Edition: 2000 copies Binding: hardcover FROM THE EDITOR BOOK OF THE HISTORY OF MONEY AND BANKS IN THE US The author explores periods of inflation, banking panics, and the collapse of monetary systems in America from colonial times to the mid-20th century, showing that the cause of almost all major economic disasters in American history is the systematic and deliberate desire of the state to expand the inflationary capacity of the banking system, ultimately leading to the current paper-dollar standard...

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  • A couple of times a year the press rejoices the reader - another trader or financier has been arrested who has eased his company's accounts by a solid amount of money. The last known scam is the losses of the Swiss bank UBS AG to the amount of $2.3 billion caused by the actions of trader Kvek Adoboli. However, it's quite possible that the specified sum isn't final - after the details of the incident became known, the bank suspended its advertisement, and the losses could grow. Of course, Mr. Adoboli didn't lose such a substantial sum at once - he had been trading for more than three years, making unauthorized transactions and trading, for example, futures on the S&P500 index and hedging risks...

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  • Warren Buffett (born August 30, 1930, Omaha, Nebraska, USA) is the modern symbol of an overachieving investor with all the qualities and virtues he needs. According to Forbes magazine, Buffett is the third richest man in the world, with a fortune of $50 billion. A childhood stock exchange lesson for Warren Buffett Those unfamiliar with the personality of the great billionaire are unlikely to believe that this affable older man who drives a used car to his favorite diner has capital on which he could easily buy up a dozen towns like Omaha, where he lives. Nevertheless, meet Warren Buffett, arguably one of the most...

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  • Author: Brian Burrow, John Hellier English: Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco Publisher: Olympus Business Series: Troika Dialog Library Year: 2003 Pages: 568 Pages Format: 60×90/16 (145×217 mm) Hardcover FROM THE EDITOR OF THE BOOK ON THE Rise AND Fall OF WALL STREET This is the gripping story of the struggle for control of RJR Nabisco on Wall Street in October-November 1988. The book is based on more than 100 interviews conducted by Brian Burrow and John Helyar with participants in the events described, RJR Nabisco President Ross Johnson, Henry Kravis, George Roberts, Ted Forstmann, Jim Maher, and other prominent financial...

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  • Author: J. Little, L. Rhodes English: Understanding Wall Street Translator: Mikhail Meshkov Publisher: Olympus Business Series: Troika Dialog Library Year: 2006 Pages: 368 pages Size: 84×108/32 (130х205 mm) Hard cover From the publisher The book "How to get on Wall Street" is a classic bestseller, combining the basics of practical knowledge of investing and a number of useful modern analytical techniques. It systematically and fully describes the mechanism of the stock market. The appearance of the book "How to get to Wall Street" in Russia is very timely and useful. The information contained in it is absolutely practical and will help a wide range of people to better orient themselves in the stock market, debt capital,...

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  • Author: Sidney Cottle, Roger F. Murray, Frank E. Block English: Graham and Dodd's Security Analysis Translator: Boris Pinsker Publisher: Olympus Business Series: Troika Dialog Library Year: 2001. Pages: 704 pp Format: 70×100/16 (167×236 mm) Circulation: 3000 copies. Created by Graham and Dodd in 1934, "Securities Market Analysis" has been the bible for investors for more than 60 years. Over the years it has sold nearly a million copies and is widely considered the most influential and popular book ever written on the art of investing. It teaches how to interpret balance sheet...

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  • Author: Peter L. Bernstein English: Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk Translator A. Marantidi Publisher: Olympus Business Series: Troika Dialog Library Year: 2008. Pages: 400 p. Size: 70×100/16 (167×236 mm) Circulation: 3000 copies. Binding: Hardcover FROM THE EDITOR OF THE BUREAU BOOK ON RISK In this unique study of the role of risk in our society, Peter Bernstein argues that mastering the methods of assessing and controlling risk is one of the main features of our time that distinguishes it from earlier eras. Risk is a choice rather than a lot. The actions we must take depending on the freedom of choice available to us are...

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  • Predator Ball

    Author: Connie Brooke English: The Predators' Ball Translator: A. Stolyarov Publisher: Olymp-Business Series: Troika Dialog Library Year: 2008. Pages: 400 p. Format: 60×90/16 (145×217 mm) Hardcover FROM THE EDITOR OF THE BOOK ON THE INSIDER'S HISTORY This book is the result of interviews that Connie Brooke was able to gather over a period of two and a half years from those who could be considered the main collective character in this book, employees of the investment firm Drexel Burnham Lambert and members of its client network. Michael Milken of Drexel was the king of junk bonds in the 1980s and was racking up billions of dollars. With junk bonds, he was involved in the acquisition of many companies and financed the largest corporate...

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  • Alexander Gerchik's extraordinary fate could serve as a good storyline for a Hollywood movie. However, a movie has already been made about the famous Odessa trader: in a CBNS Wall Street Warriors project, conducted in 2006 among 2,000 traders, Gerchik was named the safest, with not a single bad day in his entire trading career. From Taxi Driver to Broker A graduate of a food technical school, Alexander Gerchik began continuing his education at university, but quickly dropped out and decided to go for free bread in New York. Arriving in 1993 to the financial capital of America, the Odessa emigrant, like most post-Soviet illegal immigrants, became a cab driver. During his three years in the service...

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  • Author: Robert Menschel English: Markets, Mobs and Mayhem: A Modern Look at the Madness of Crowds Series: Troika Dialog Library Publisher: Olympus Business, 2005 Hardcover, 234 pp ISBN 5-9693-0006-3, 0-471-23327-7 Format: 60×90/16 (~145x217 mm) FROM THE EDITOR BOOK ON THE HISTORY OF MASSIVE MISMASTERS The book considers and analyses the most prominent cases of mass madness in history. The author touches on such phenomena as lynching, Nazism, but mainly his attention is drawn to episodes when reasonable and well-meaning people are seized by mass sentiment, like "tulip mania" in 17th century Holland, panic on Wall Street during the Great Depression, boom Internet companies, letters with anthrax powder or a fire in the theater. Instructive...

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  • Superfreakonomics

    Author: Stephen Levitt and Stephen Dubner English: Superfreakonomics Publisher: Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, 2010. Superfreakonomics, 288 pages ISBN 978-5-91657-097-7 Circulation: 3000 copies. Format: 70×100/16 (~167×236 mm) FROM THE EDITOR BOOK ABOUT THE STRANGE OF ECONOMICS "Superfreakonomics" is a worthy sequel to the acclaimed bestseller "Freakonomics". Inside is an unconventional explanation of new non-obvious facts by unusual economists. The book is as epic, unexpected and provocative as possible. And at the same time quite serious. At the heart of strange phenomena are found quite logical economic mechanisms - and vice versa. This book has every chance to repeat (and maybe even surpass) the popularity of its legendary predecessor.

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  • Author: Barton Biggs English: Hedgehogging Publisher: Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, 2010. Hardcover, 416 pp. ISBN 978-5-91657-098-4 Circulation: 2000 copies. Format: 70×100/16 (~167×236 mm) FROM THE EDITOR OF THE BOOK ON THE BASIS OF INVESTMENTS The book by the top manager of the well-known investment company Morgan Stanley Barton Biggs is dedicated to those who are professionally engaged in investing. You will not find here advice on managing your own and others' finances, but you will get a fairly complete picture of the lives of these people: their principles, motivations for behavior, relationships, strategies and tactics for working in the market. Real stories of dizzying successes and shattering downfalls make you think about a lot of things. If you have anything to do with the stock markets (or are about to enter...

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  • English: An Introduction to Derivatives Series: Reuters for financiers Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2009 Hardcover, 202 pages ISBN 978-5-9614-1101-0, 978-5-9614-1092-1, 0-471-83176-X Mintage: 1500 copies. Format: 84×108/16 (~205x290 mm) FROM THE EDITOR OF THE DERIVATIVES STUDY BOOK This book is an excellent textbook for beginners in studying derivative financial instruments (derivatives). Derivatives are the basis of many trading strategies, and although they have been around for a very long time, their field of application continues to expand as financial markets evolve. Some derivatives are very simple and some are very complex, but in any case, in order to use them effectively, the risks and rewards must be clearly understood. The book will be of interest to...

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  • Detective and Investor

    Author: Robert Hagstrom English: The Detective and The Investor 2005 Hardcover, 308 pp ISBN 5-98293-062-8, 1-58799-127-6 Circulation: 3000 copies. FROM THE AUTHORS OF THE BOOK ON THE DETECTIVE SCIENCE OF INVESTORS The investigative methods and ways of thinking of such legendary detectives as Auguste Dupin, Father Brown and, of course, Sherlock Holmes open up new vistas for investors. Robert Hagstrom demonstrates what lessons and techniques for successful business investing can be learned from Dupin's unerring deductive thinking, Father Brown's intuitive knowledge of human nature, and Holmes's remarkable powers of observation. For Wall Street professionals and novice investors alike. And at the same time, for all those who love a good detective.

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  • Peter L. Bernstein (1919 - 2009) is an acknowledged popularizer of the investment business, having worked in the field for more than three decades and written countless academic papers and books. The financier willy-nilly The father of the hero of the article was a financial consultant, so it is quite possible that the subsequent financial successes of the extremely capable son were genetically predetermined. In 1967, on the unexpected death of Bernstein Sr. Peter inherited a family business consisting of a wealth management firm. By this time the new Bernstein-Macaulay Inc. fund manager had two college degrees under his belt, including the famous Harvard, service in the U.S. Air Force during World War II...

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  • John Murphy

    John Murphy is a recognized authority on technical analysis of the futures markets, having passed on his experience and knowledge to interested readers through dozens of books published. From Fundamentals to Technique A graduate in business management, John Murphy hardly imagined that his entire professional career would be devoted to mastering technical analysis. After graduation, he expected to work on fundamental analysis, hoping to get a job as a securities analyst on Wall Street. But it turned out that the recent student became an assistant to a portfolio manager of CIT Financial Corporation, drawing charts of quote changes for him. As Murphy recalls, he had to understand everything himself. The labors of technical...

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  • Author: Robert Fisher English: Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders Series: To Help the Trader Publisher: Euro, 2009. ISBN 978-5-902537-11-3 Format: 70×100/16 (~167×236 mm) ABOUT THE AUTHORS OF THE FIBONACci NUMBER WORKING BOOK Until now the Fibonacci number sequence, one of the most important mathematical structures simulating the natural phenomena, was applied only for estimating corrections and extensions of price movements. The publication of this groundbreaking book makes the Fibonacci numbers an extremely profitable tool for financial market traders, portfolio managers and analysts. This groundbreaking book focuses on one of the most fascinating aspects of modern financial market analysis. It provides a new critical look at the concepts and methods of using both...

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  • Author: E. V. Chirkova Publisher: Case, 2010. Supercover, 416 pages ISBN 978-5-91848-001-4 Circulation: 3000 copies. Format: 60×90/16 (~145x217 mm) ABOUT THE AUTHORS OF THE BOOK ON FINANCIAL BUBbles Unusual in genre and composition, Anatomy of a Financial Bubble details the many known financial bubbles that have occurred chronologically from the 16th century to the present, geographically from Japan and Kuwait to the United States; it reviews the psychological, sociological, economic and financial explanations for such market anomalies. In addition, historical facts are illustrated with digests of works of world literature in which they are reflected. At the same time, the book is a serious scientific study. It offers a coherent theoretical...

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  • Author: David Krueger, with contributions from John Mann English: The Secret Language of Money: How to Make Smarter Financical Decisions and Live a Richer Life Publisher: Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, 2010. Hardcover, 352 pages ISBN 978-5-91657-059-5 Circulation: 3000 copies. Format: 60×90/16 (~145x217 mm) ABOUT THE AUTHORS OF THE BOOK ABOUT MONEY Money is important, no doubt. For them, we sometimes sacrifice a lot. But, finally becoming a little richer, we often get not happiness, but additional problems. We lose our savings, get into debt, become victims of fraud, suffer from bouts of stinginess or extravagance. And that's because we give money a meaning that it doesn't really have...

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