In the previous article we have already considered one of the tools to assess the effectiveness of strategies, assets and PAMM-accounts - the Sharpe Ratio. Today we will talk about the next tool to estimate strategy profitability - the Kalmar Ratio. Drawdown and its types There are no 100% successful traders. Everyone, from a beginner to a professional, knows this. Every trader suffers losses from time to time. However, if money management is effective, losses are compensated after a certain period of time. To understand the essence of the Kalmar Ratio, it is first necessary to understand what is behind the term "drawdown". Drawdown is a loss or loss on a deposit opened for trading on exchanges. Most often the value...
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The Sharpe Ratio is one of the most common indicators in the foreign exchange market, which can be used to determine the effectiveness of both an individual trading strategy and an investment portfolio. Universal evaluation of trading strategies is usually considered to be the ratio of income from trading operations performed within the strategy to the risks taken by the trader within the same strategy. The Sharpe ratio is an expression of this ratio. Accordingly, the higher it is, the more effective the strategy is. The Sharpe Ratio is calculated using the formula: At first sight, the formula seems quite complicated, but in practice it is much easier and clearer. The numerator of the formula is the average trading income for a certain period. At the same time it is worth...
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The Stock Market Debate Why Invest? Each of us has thought about this question more than once. The reasons that make us think about investments can be very different: some people are not satisfied with the profitability of bank deposits, others want to achieve financial independence with the help of investment, someone wants to ensure a decent life in retirement. In order to realize your goal, you need to solve several problems, which we will talk about in more detail. You may also be interested in The role of monetary policy in the Forex market What kind of analysis is better to use in trading? Scalping for forecasts: bulls vs bears Metatrader 4 vs Metatrader 5 Deciding on investments First,...
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Today, all sorts of PAMM-accounts are very popular, a service that is offered by a large number of brokers. Newcomers to trading liked such innovations. To make money in the market one did not have to understand and penetrate into what was going on. Learning to trade became unnecessary, it was enough to choose a trader you liked with good yield. This is where many first-time investors face the question - how to choose a management account that guarantees safety of funds and a stable positive dynamics of profitability of your investments? That is what we will devote this article to. Articles about the PAMM-accounts PAMM-accounts: investing for everyone! The correct investment in the PAMM PAMM-system in Forex: the economic ...
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The stockings with banknotes from under our featherbeds have long since fallen into oblivion. Now we keep our money in banks, rejoicing at the promised 7, 8, or even 10 percent interest per annum. And we don't want to think that all of this income is eaten up by inflation: how much we earned - the prices rose that much during the year. What to do with our hard-earned money? How do we dispose of them to leave inflation behind? We suggest considering profitable investment options, including PAMM investments at . Investments - as you risk and earn Investing is about investing money in order to multiply them. There are many ways of investing. These methods differ in only two indicators: the...
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Investing in a PAMM-account - this is one of the ways to passive income on . PAMM-accounts are provided by broker companies, which organize your interaction with the managers of PAMM-accounts through a website on the Internet. What is PAMM-account What is the offer PAMM-account Advantages of investing in PAMM What you need to consider when investing How to choose a PAMM-account for investment Algorithm of investment in PAMM Rules for investing personal capital in PAMM How to minimize risks when investing PAMM account - is... PAMM is the Russian pronunciation of the English acronym PAMM (Percentage Allocation Management Module) - percentage allocation management module. PAMM mechanism is used in trust management of the account for controlling the distribution of funds between the manager of the account and investors. PAMM.
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At the moment, interest rates on ruble and foreign currency deposits in banks are inferior to real inflation, in other words, depositors, at best, will only be able to save their funds. At the same time, investments through trust management in the banking sector are limited by high initial fees. Investments in real estate, apart from no less high entry threshold, also have certain risks. Against this background, one of the most accessible ways to invest available funds for profit are the tools of trust management on the FOREX market, which includes the PAMM-system. PAMM as an alternative to bank deposits PAMM-system (from the English Percent Allocation Management Module - percentage management) is designed to guarantee the contractual profitability of the investments.
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In the market investments in the form of trust management accounts are very popular and in demand, because not all people who are ready to invest in the foreign exchange market have sufficient knowledge, experience and time to acquire them. On many forums you can find participants who are looking for a talented manager with whom they are willing to enter into a partnership agreement. Of course, there is a supply for such a demand, but it is usually associated with serious risk for both parties of the contract. Investors understandably fear risks associated with dishonesty and incompetence of some traders to whom they decide to entrust their capital. Traders are usually worried that they work for free. What has changed with the emergence of PAMM-accounts...
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Let's look at the basic rules, which should be observed when investing personal capital in PAMM-accounts. These rules will help you competently create an investment portfolio, significantly minimizing possible losses and maximizing profits. If you are going to put your personal capital in trust management, investing in a PAMM-account, then I strongly recommend studying all points: 1. Never invest "last" money. Especially if you are just beginning to master investments, you should do it exactly as much as you would not regret to lose if you have made a loss-making investment due to lack of experience. These days it is possible to invest small amounts, which will help to understand all the issues, using real examples. 2. Try not to invest all...
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Even if you don't run your own business and don't trade in the foreign exchange market yourself, know that money should not sit idle. Currency devaluation in an unstable market kills the economic sense of saving "under the mattress", bringing back to life the idea of private investing. If you are still wondering where to invest your capital, PAMM-account service can be a good choice. PAMM accounts can offer high profitability, flexibility and wide variability. The field is developing rapidly, and companies are trying to attract clients with their own innovative products. In particular, the broker StreamForex offers its own alternative to the traditional PAMM-accounts - MMIR system. Whatever is done, is done for the best. With regard to MMIR-accounts this statement is close to the truth, and the StreamForex team really...
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FxOpen broker has a lot of advantages. First of all, it is one of the most developed ECN systems on the market. Along with it, the trader gets high-quality and fast execution and low trading costs. Nevertheless, the system of PAMM accounts lags behind the market leaders. Purely from the functional point of view, the service offers a large number of different indicators for analysis - both raw returns and smart efficiency ratios. The main thing what the service lacks is a choice of good money managers. Otherwise, everything is fairly standard, with few proprietary ideas. Types of PAMM accounts FxOpen offers two types of accounts for traders - PAMM STP and PAMM ECN. An ECN account provides several important...
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