
  • Investing in a PAMM account is one of the ways of passive income on . PAMM accounts on is provided by brokerage companies that organize your interaction with PAMM account managers through a website on the Internet. What is a PAMM-account What is the offer of a PAMM-account Advantages of investing in PAMM What you need to consider when investing How to choose a PAMM-account for investment Algorithm of investing in PAMM Rules of investing personal capital in PAMM How to minimize risks when investing PAMM-account is... PAMM is the Russian pronunciation of the English abbreviation PAMM (Percentage Allocation Management Module) - Percentage Allocation Management Module. PAMM mechanism is used in trust account management to manage the distribution of funds between the account manager and investors. PAMM...

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  • The Treaty of Maastricht

    The Treaty of Maastricht is a document that was signed on February 7, 1992 in Maastricht, the Netherlands, which marked the beginning of the European Union. The purpose of the Maastricht Treaty The Maastricht Treaty was designed to transform the then European Community into a political, economic and monetary bloc. It was the Maastricht Treaty which set the criteria for the country's joining the EU: inflation growth rate, level of interest rates, government budget deficit, public debt level and others. The Maastricht Treaty also defined the procedure for the introduction of the single European currency "Euro" and provided for the creation of a financial regulator (European Central Bank). The Treaty significantly expanded the powers of the European Parliament, which...

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  • At present, central banks of the world are a powerful instrument of monetary regulation. This function has a default effect on fluctuations of asset prices in financial markets. Changes in policy of any central bank, the economy of which has a noticeable weight in the scale of the world economy, lead to corresponding, quite abnormal reactions of financial markets. U.S. Federal Reserve: lords of dollars The most influential in this matter, of course, is the U.S. Federal Reserve System - FED (Federal Reserve System). The FED is completely independent in its economic policy decisions. When the chairman of the FED makes a speech, the markets react very strongly to his statements, especially when it comes to changes in interest rates. The ECB: the benchmark...

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  • According to the plan of our training course, we should move on to the study of technical indicators and their application, but the other day I came across an interesting chart that makes me return to the topic of classical technical analysis and, in particular, to the model of uncertainty - the "Triangle" pattern. The reversal power of the "Symmetrical Triangle" pattern Analysts and stock coaches are often accused of showing only historical summaries. Today we have the opportunity to observe the technical analysis figure "Triangle" in dynamics. In free access you can find articles substantiating the reversal power of the "Symmetrical Triangle" figure for Russian popular securities. I "made friends" with these figures long ago, back in December 2007.....

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  • The market is a set of views, ideas and opinions of all its participants. It should be remembered that the use of trading methods based on market sentiment does not always give absolutely accurate entry and exit points for each trade, but the simultaneous use of market sentiment indicators analysis with other technical and fundamental methods can and should greatly increase your efficiency in trading. As an introduction, I would like to cite a general law of economics. This is an example of the ratio, when the price for any market asset is based on the balance of supply and demand in the market. Accordingly, when the demand increases, the price for the asset will be higher. The greater the supply, i.e. the more sellers on the...

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  • As part of the master class "Be a Trader: Fundamental Analysis" with Roman Kravchenko In May, one of the most topical topics for discussion was the ECB interest rate cut. Mario Draghi spooked investors even more by stating that the regulator may cut interest rates on deposits to negative values. Why is it important for every trader and investor to know the interest rate of the largest Central Banks of the world and the principles of its formation? Other articles of the master class "Be a Trader": Credit rating: and you have something fallen... This is a scary word "default" Why are rates rising? In order to understand how interest rates work, you need to go to the basics of investing. Theoretically, every investment is considered in relation...

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  • If the value of the information technology and finance sectors were to hold at their average levels since 1995, all other things being equal, the S&P Index would be trading at 1950 levels - 19.3% above the current price. Other articles in the S&P 500 Index Masterclass: S&P500 Index: a measure of the direction of the economy The value of information technology and finance is holding at unprecedentedly low levels Although the S&P 500 Index is up 14.5% since the beginning of the year, the two largest financial sectors - technology and finance - continue to trade below their original value. When measured by the P/CF ratio, the information technology element of the S&P 500 Index trades 45% below its average cost...

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  • In the previous article of the cycle, we took an overview of several crisis situations that strongly affect the stability of most European member states of the EU. The single currency is a very serious economic tool for pressure, and the fact that it is primarily managed by Germany gives this country many advantages over European (and not only) countries. Birth of a European leader A little historical background. Germany as a country was formed relatively recently, if we compare it, for example, with France or Italy. Initially, it was a country consisting of a huge number of principalities, each of which was, in fact, a separate state with its own economy, currency and even language (German language in the current...

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  • Hedge fund strategies

    In this article of the series, we continue to explore the concept of "hedge funds": we will learn about the distinguishing features of hedge funds from classic investment funds and asset management strategies. Other articles of the master class "Hedge Funds": History of the emergence of hedge funds Principles of functioning of hedge funds Distinctive features of hedge funds Nowadays, buying hedge fund shares, investors fully rely on the honesty of the portfolio manager, as the working systems of such funds are quite complex and cannot be described in detail in the investment offer. By default, it is clear that the conceptual principles of hedge fund operation provide small risks relative to conventional classic retro funds, but they can increase significantly with speculative actions of the asset manager. Since hedge funds utilize leveraged resources, we note such...

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  • As part of the master class "Programming on " In the process of everyday trading, most of us regularly encounter various programs written for the MetaTrader 4 terminal. Scripts, indicators, Expert Advisors - their essence is to help us make a decision on placing or closing an order (or even to fully automate this process). 90% of the time they work absolutely normally, and we are satisfied with it. However, in the remaining 10% there are situations when the programs do not fully convey the situation on the market. At such moments there is an irresistible desire to optimize (read - improve) them: to add a new condition of entry or exit, to adjust the behavior a little, in the end, just to display a warning message -....

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  • The previous publications were only a preamble before the actual market actions. Now it is time to briefly describe the strategy of further trading. The description cannot be complete, because there are more than enough "little tricks" in it. Of course, I will try to describe each tactic, but since we are dealing with a chaotically changing process, in some cases we will have to reinvent our actions based on the key description of a similar (not identical) market situation. The minus outweighing all the pluses Currently, the Internet has a huge number of publications devoted to the so-called "grid strategy". It is discussed on forums, described in articles, and, as a consequence, advisors are offered both for free and for...

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  • Referring to the history of the development of the Central Banks of the world (CB) and their current status in the market system, their main activities are reduced to the following objectives: ensuring the stability of the national currency and purchasing power; ensuring the liquidity of the banking system; providing an effective algorithm for uninterrupted conduct of all types of settlements. The Central Bank is the "bank of banks" In order to achieve the above-mentioned goals, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks, the fulfillment of which makes the Central Bank the "bank of banks" and the main financial center of the country: being the issuing center of the country, the Central Bank solves the problem of organization of issue and circulation of cash banknotes; almost all its operations the Central banks of the world perform with local banks of a particular country, but not with commercial and industrial clients; keeping of class reserves...

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  • Forex: Man vs. robot

    Рано или поздно каждый трейдер задумывается об использовании торговых роботов. Насколько данное решение целесообразно? Действительно ли ручная торговля уступает роботам? Правда ли то, что торгуя советниками можно получить больше прибыли? Попробуем разобраться с этими вопросами в данной статье. Что прибыльнее? Советники или ручная торговля – сказать однозначно сложно. Единственное, что мы имеем, так это довольно много примеров конкурсов, в которых торговые роботы берут верх над ручной торговлей. При этом ручная торговля является классическим видом трейдинга и очень популярна, несмотря на разные факторы. При выходе новости о крушении самолета, напичканном электроникой по последнему слову техники и унесшем жизни десятка, а то…

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  • В рамках мастер-класса «Будь трейдером» Международные рейтинговые агентства все больше влияют на настроения глобальных рынков. Нередко в новостных лентах мелькают заголовки о понижении кредитного рейтинга того или иного государства или компании. Но, как показывает практика, большинство трейдеров, щеголяющих названиями  Fitch, S&P или Moody’s, до конца не понимают значение кредитных рейтингов, процесс их формирования и функционирования. Так что же такое, собственно, кредитный рейтинг? Ты помнишь, как все начиналось… Начало истории рейтинговых агентств берет начало во второй половине XIX века в США, во времена бурного роста железнодорожного строительства, финансирование которого производилось за счет привлечения средств иностранных инвесторов. Банк Англии предъявил Казначейству США…

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  • Для оценки экономики страны используются различные показатели, такие как ВВП на душу населения, уровень безработицы и инфляции. С началом формирования фондовых рынков возник вопрос, какой инструмент позволит адекватно оценить степень влияния рынка на экономическое развитие. Решением этой проблемы стало появление индексов как основных показателей изменения цен на акции. Самым первым подобным инструментом стал индекс американского журналиста Доу, в состав которого первоначально входило 11 промышленных компаний (сегодня эта цифра составляет 30). В основе индекса Доу Джонса лежит невзвешенный способ вычисления, то есть расчеты проводятся путем нахождения простого среднеарифметического показателя. Однако время показало, что для более четкого прогнозирования динамики фондового рынка и…

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  • Не секрет, что обстановка в странах Европы последние несколько лет далека от спокойной: один за другим разгораются различные кризисы, экономика многих стран трещит по швам, то и дело вспыхивают массовые демонстрации во всемирно известных столицах, а валюта ЕС вот-вот может кануть в лету. Ситуация, прямо сказать, не самая лучшая. Чтобы ее проанализировать, нужно найти самые серьезные очаги нестабильности. Евросоюз: очаги нестабильности Итак, если начать анализ в виде ретроспективы, то первым на очереди окажется Кипр с его кризисом ликвидности, нестабильной финансовой ситуацией и множеством банков, которые относят к так называемой «оффшорной зоне». Экономика страны в удручающем состоянии, она требует дополнительных вливаний…

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  • Second-tier stocks

    Second echelon shares are, as a rule, shares of regional companies, which do not belong to the category of "blue chips" and are traded on the stock exchange. Main signs of shares belonging to the second echelon: Low level of liquidity. Average daily volume of trades in "second echelon" shares is less in tens and hundreds times than volumes of trades in liquid shares. Instability of dynamics. Shares of the "second echelon" can be unclaimed most of the time, and then make a sharp jump within a short period of time. Lack of information transparency. Companies issuing "second tier" shares, as a rule, do not provide financial reports in international format, do not declare a clear dividend policy and do not have a definite strategy of economic development. Large value of spreads.If in...

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  • The Statement is the official detailed report on the trading activity on the market, generated by the trading terminal. How to make a Statment in MT4? Go to the "Account History" tab; right-click on the context menu; click "Save as detailed report". The statment will be available in the folder, in which the MetaTrader 4 terminal was installed, in the DetailedStatement file. Besides the trading history the statment contains the following indexes: Gross Profit - total profit of the positive transactions; Gross Loss - total loss of the negative transactions; Total Net Profit - the difference between the total profit and the total loss; Profit Factor - the profitability index, which shows the Gross Profit to Gross Loss ratio. The value...

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  • Eurozone

    The eurozone is a monetary union that unites 19 countries of the European Union (EU). The official currency of the eurozone is the euro. States members of the monetary union are required to issue and use in free circulation banknotes and coins denominated in euro. It should be noted that the European Central Bank (ECB) is responsible for the monetary policy of the countries of the Eurozone. Eurozone consists of 19 European Union countries: Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Finland, Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Malta, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Portugal. All of the above countries use the euro as their official national currency. The following EU countries are not included in the Eurozone: United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden, because the residents of these countries...

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  • Skolkovo Science City

    Skolkovo Science City (Silicon Valley) is a scientific center created in the Russian Federation to develop new technologies. The project is made by analogy with the Silicon Valley in the USA. Science town is located in the eastern part of Odintsovsky district of Moscow region. The purpose of building Skolkovo is a reorientation of the Russian economy and transfer to a more technological and innovative way of development. The main areas of the science city are biomedical and nuclear technology, energy, telecommunications and space, as well as information technology. The Skolkovo Foundation has three advisory bodies, namely the Board of Trustees (chaired by Dmitry Medvedev), the Advisory Scientific Council (co-chaired by Zh. Alferov and R. Kornberg) and the Foundation Council (V. Vekselberg and K. Barrett). The President of the Foundation...

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