The 8 steps that will reduce you to financial insecurity

In today's environment, it is difficult to completely abstract away from financial issues. As you know, if you don't start dealing with money, money will deal with you. And in this case everything can be quite deplorable.

For example, the American publication Business Insider conducted a study in which it revealed. ForTrader Magazine decided to tell you more about them in order to warn you about possible financial dangers, and also supplemented with another important step, which you can read at the very end of the article.

Финансовые самоубийцы найдут взаимопонимание с современными банками и кредитными организациями, которые с удовольствием им обанкротиться. Ставка под 40%, под которую можно взять ипотеку или иные кредиты, с тем же процентом вероятности приведут к краху впоследствии. А использование кредитных карт и «экспресс-кредитов», гарантирующих щедрые лимиты и ростовщические проценты, еще больше упростят задачу финансовому лузеру!

Не следя за своим, говоря бухгалтерским языком, финансовым балансом, можно с легкостью получить непредсказуемое будущее с увлекательными приключениями и неожиданными поворотами. Настоятельно рекомендуется не считать свои расходы и доходы любителям «русской рулетки», а также народным умельцам тратить свою зарплату в первые дни после ее получения. Действительно, ведь есть же кредиты, а деньги — всего лишь бумага!

The love of easy earnings is in the blood of many people, because the desire to earn a legal income in 20%, lying on the couch and "not working for the uncle" is hard to kill. The concept of "financial literacy" and the principles of investing, as such people believe, for the weak. But they see nothing wrong with getting money out of thin air and are ready even to sell their car or mortgage their apartment for the sake of fabulous profits.

It is appropriate to compare young people with wild animals or birds. The latter are fed by people only in exceptional cases, when they are in danger due to natural factors, such as severe winter weather. Otherwise, they die, becoming too dependent on humans.

So too, young people who cannot (or are in no particular hurry) to adapt to independent life, having sat on their parents' necks for a long time and having lost or atrophied the necessary skills and thinking, may later suffer from a permanently empty wallet.

The future, full of anxiety and sorrow, frightens the financially suicidal man. Retirement seems to him a distant line of life, after which it is not clear what to do next. Such people also do not care about force majeure, such as, for example, dismissal.

The nice shortcomings of your loved one, such as the desire to live a "big life" and the lack of desire to work, seem like such trifles against the background of true love! Only feelings are important, and the rest will come with it, think the financial suicides, who are quickly overconvinced by time.

Having a child without a clear plan to provide for him or her is a major blow to your financial well-being. After all, children, although they bring a lot of joy, require a lot of attention, time and a lot of money. For people prepared for such twists and turns of fate, this can be a serious test and a financial disaster.

Не секрет, что при болезнях человек не может хорошо работать, и каждая хворь отнимает силы и подрывает ваше стремление к финансовому благополучию.  Не имея здорового тела, очень сложно получить финансовую независимость — аптека всегда будет лезть в ваш кошелек и преодолеть трудности будет куда сложнее.  Поэтому, каждый раз подрывая свое здоровье вредными привычками и не обращая внимания на состояние своего тела, вы постепенно приближаетесь к финансовой дыре в своем бюджете.

To summarize, going down each of these steps, it is much harder to go up again than it may seem. However, each of the financial problems is solvable: people often revise their lives and move upwards when they find themselves in one situation or another. The Fortrader editorial team wishes you to avoid making financial mistakes and successfully achieve financial prosperity.

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