
  • Norwegian krone (NOK)

    The stability of the national economy is the key to the stability of the national currency. This principle is a characteristic of Norway. The first Norwegian kroner The first money in the modern territory of the Scandinavian State dates back to about the tenth century. It was from this period begin to circulate various coins, which were minted by a variety of mints, scattered throughout the country. In 1695 the first banknotes were issued and the right to print them was transferred from one private bank to another. In 1875, following Sweden and Denmark, Norway joined the Scandinavian Monetary Union. This meant replacing the spesidalers then in the country to a single currency for all parties to the agreement ...

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  • Довольно часто можно услышать такую фразу от трейдеров, которые опустили руки и потеряли надежду научиться зарабатывать деньги на валютном рынке . Причин такому решению может быть много. Это и недостаточные знания трейдера, и нежелание быть настойчивым в достижении своей цели, низкая самооценка и мотивация трейдера, а также неумение справиться со своими эмоциями и нервами во время торговли на . Психология трейдера, все же, является основой для успеха трейдера или его неуспеха на этом высоко рисковом и стрессовым для психики трейдера рынке. Однако, «не так страшен черт, как его малюют», – говорит народная поговорка. В любой ситуации можно найти решение и…

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  • To earn on there are several ways to choose: to trade by yourself, find your own trader, buy expert-advisor, write yourself an expert-advisor, and, of course, the increasingly popular method - investing in PAMM-accounts. Is this all? It turns out that it is not. There is ZuluTrade! What is ZuluTrade? ZuluTrade is a meeting place for investors and traders. The trader plays the role of a signal provider, and the investor subscribes to the traders' signals. With this system, a trader gets a unique tool to monetize his trade, and an investor (autotrader) receives an equally unique tool to extract profit from trading in the automatic mode. Monetization of Trading by Trader So, the trader in the...

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  • Терпение – это то, чего не хватает многим трейдерам, чтобы быть успешными в торговле на финансовых рынках. Развитое терпение – это то свойство человека, которое он может с легкостью монетизировать, применяя его в торговле на . Знакомая ситуация? Вариант первый Сидите вы перед экраном монитора, сидите, ищете возможности для входа в рынок. А они все упорно не появляются. На рынке привычный боковой тренд. И вы наблюдаете за картиной медленного движения курса то вверх, то вниз, около какого-то ценового уровня. Становится скучно и хочется, чтобы на рынке появились хоть какие-то движения, а желательно сильные движения. Ведь вам так хочется ввязаться в…

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  • Indian rupee (INR)

    The Indian rupee not only has a rich history, but for a long time it was the main currency in many Central Asian and African countries. Rupee means silver "Rupee" means "silver" in Sanskrit. The Indian silver coin, equal to 40 pieces of copper, was introduced in the 16th century by the country's ruler Sher Shah. The first Indian banknotes were already issued at the end of the 18th century. The British Crown, whose colony was India, tried to put the pound sterling in circulation in the country by force, but the attempts failed as in all British-controlled overseas territories. At that time the rupee was very widespread in the other colonies...

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  • Игорь Домброван, Управляющий директор Saxo Bank в России Профессиональные трейдеры следят за теми основными экономическими показателями, которые влияют на движение валютных курсов. Также рекомендуется поступать и начинающему трейдеру. Приведем пример. Если основные экономические показатели в Соединенных Штатах улучшаются, то курс доллара, вероятнее всего, будет расти, так как спрос на доллар увеличится. Верна и обратная тенденция: если показатели экономики США ухудшаются, курс доллара будет снижаться. В данной статье рассматриваются следующие вопросы: – Какие основные экономические показатели наиболее важные? – Почему так важны процентные ставки? – Какое влияние инфляция оказывает на процентные ставки? Не все экономические показатели важны Глобализация и технологии сделали…

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  • Игорь Домброван (Igor Dombrovan), управляющий директор Saxo Bank в России Дата рождения: 25 апреля 1970 Игорь Домброван окончил Московский государственный технический университет и почти десять лет проработал в качестве финансового аналитика в московском представительстве EVU Management Limited, Европейский инвестиционный фонд. Шесть последних лет работы в EVU Management Limited Игорь Домброван занимал должность главного финансового аналитика. В рамках своей деятельности Игорь проводил комплексный анализ инвестиционных проектов производственных предприятий, производил мониторинг их деятельности и эффективности инвестиций, занимался анализом российского фондового рынка и формированием инвестиционного портфеля и стратегии фонда на российском рынке. Стоп-лосс или как не проиграть Класс: Профессия трейдер  Как и любая…

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  • Предстоят Новогодние праздники. Торговля в это время является не всегда предсказуемой, поэтому на сайтах брокерских компаний и тематичных проектов, посвященных трейдингу, имеется календарь праздников . Как правило, выходные и праздничные дни на е сопровождаются снижением ликвидности и ослаблением финансовых потоков. В связи с этим, многие трейдеры отмечают эти дни в своих торговых журналах. Наверное, каждый из нас задавался хоть одним из нижеперечисленных вопросов, торгуя в праздничные дни: – стоит ли работать по своей торговой системе в праздничные дни? – работать ли вообще в праздничные дни? – остаться ли вне рынка, если закрыты, допустим азиатские биржи, а ваша валютная пара евродоллар?…

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  • Deal of the Century

    Nikolai, a 28-year-old mathematician, offers us his trading story as part of the "One Day in the Life of a Trader" contest. In 2007 I read Prekter and Frost's book about Elliott Waves and was surprised to learn that there is a method for catching global pivot points in financial markets. By correctly catching such a pivot point, you can make a trade with a lot of leverage, forget about it for a couple (or ten) years, and then close it with a giant profit! This unencumbered approach to trading the stock market appealed to me, and I started looking for markets that were ready to turn around. And the markets ended the cycle... I was lucky, I became interested in this topic just then.

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  • My mini trader

    A story in the "One Day in the Life of a Trader" contest is offered to us by Denis, a novice trader. It all started when my son was born! I could not be happier - beautiful wife, son, great job, in a word, idyll. But, as it always happens, everything lasts for a short time. Exactly until the day when I get the news that the firm is closing and I was fired ... At first the news did not bother me much. I said to myself, "I am a young professional, I will always find a job", but as the months passed and no one called me back from the interviews. Our savings were coming to an end and my wife, an accountant, was asked to come back...

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  • A story about the beginning of a trader's career from Vyacheslav Alexandrov. The story is a part of the contest "One day in the life of a trader". About the author: 28 years old, incomplete higher education, I am fond of web-graphics and site design, experience in trading more than 5 years, favorite trading instruments are eur/usd, gbp/usd DAX, S&p500. Most likely my story is not very different from other traders' stories. And nevertheless, I want to share what happened to me, almost at the beginning of my trading way. The story begins in the middle of 2008, the very time when in the financial markets, if memory serves me correctly, many people were waiting for conquest...

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  • Brazilian Real (BRL)

    The currency of the world's fifth most populous and territorial country is, at first glance, very young: officially, the Brazilian real is not even two decades old. Digging deeper, however, we know that coins with this name have been circulating in Brazil since the 17th century. History of the Brazilian real With the discovery of Brazil by Portuguese colonists in 1500 and its further exploration in the country began extensive monetary relations. Currency relations were established both in kind and with foreign coins, one of which, the Spanish real, became the most widespread. In 1690 it became the official currency of Brazil. The period from 1942 to...

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  • Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

    Malaysia's national currency, Ringgit, could have remained another dollar, of which there are frankly many in the world. Since 1975, however, the monetary symbol of a Southeast Asian state was given its own name. Notched Ringgit "Ringgit" literally means "notched" in Malay. That was the name given by the locals to Spanish piastres circulating in the country between the 16th and 17th centuries, which had a serrated edge. In 1967, when Malay dollar was introduced, people still called it ringgit. That's why in 1975 the Government decided to officially adopt that name and the national version of cent - "Sen". The Malaysian ringgit survived 4 issues, the last of which took place in 2008....

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  • We hope that you have learned from our previous publication that it is profitable to work in unrelated markets. That is why professional investors tend to form so-called investment portfolios. A considerable part of such a portfolio can consist not only of currencies or commodities but also of stocks. Which ones - this is the question we will discuss today. To begin with, let us define what a share is. It is a security that certifies its owner's right to receive a portion of the company's profits in the form of dividends (if any), to manage the company's affairs (for certain types of shares) and to receive a portion of the company's assets upon liquidation. Working with contracts for difference

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  • If you look at the history of the price chart, you can see fluctuations of varying magnitude. The biggest ones are the market's reaction to the news. Traders who trade on the news know this very well. But if we single out the biggest movements among them, we will deal with the currency intervention. What is currency intervention? Currency intervention is an artificial intervention in the economy of a country, the exchange rate of which is planned to change. The purpose of intervention is primarily to regulate the exchange rate to a certain level. This is necessary to ensure that at a given rate the economy is better to develop in any direction. It is important to note that intervention is...

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  • If a barrier can be circumvented, why not do it? Most likely, this is the reasoning of people who would later be called stockbrokers and whose ingenuity would be admired and wondered at. Three years earlier the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) got interested in the fraudulent practices of Anatoly Russ from Russia who had found a way to compensate for the effect of his own trades in iShares Lehman Aggregate Bond options, according to Dow Jones. The trader devised the following scheme: he stole the names and passwords from seven online brokerage accounts in order to place orders from seven completely unauthorized people. The scheme was simple to the point of naivety: from his account...

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  • As with any activity that generates income for an individual, it is necessary to pay taxes on trading on . Most often such tax will be treated as personal income tax (personal income tax). To do this, you will need to fill out the appropriate declaration, to which attach a report certified by the broker on the transactions from the beginning to the end of the year. Many banks that offer the opportunity to trade with , assume the responsibility to pay the trader's taxes at the end of the year or upon closure of the account, so the only thing left is to file the appropriate declaration and sleep well. Learn more about taxes at

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  • Critics of FOREX (from FOReign EXchange) with enviable regularity refer to the considerable leverage practiced in this market as one of the most significant risks inherent in currency transactions with this instrument. However, this truth is half-truth. In fact, leverage of 1:100 (and sometimes more) is a great boon. You just have to treat it well in order to get it. Leverage alone does not increase risk. Risks, of course, do arise. As in any other trading transaction with unknown results. But in order to judge the magnitude of the risk, it would be a good idea to first ask...

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  • In the contest "One Day in the Life of a Trader!" Alexey Emelyanov tells us about his very first day as a speculator. Having finished one of Robert Kiyosaki's books, I seriously thought about it. Well, yes, it would be nice to buy shares, trade futures, and transfer all earned money to the bank, to a deposit opened in advance. But if opening a bank account was more or less realistic, I had no idea where to find a broker and what the stock market was all about. Well, as long as I had the fervor and the deferred sum of 10,000 thousand rubles, I had to act! To begin with, I visited all the websites of the banks in my city.

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  • Very long ago there was an interesting fact called "January barometer". Its essence is that looking at the closing price of January, the direction for the whole year was determined. January is the same barometer determining the further price movement direction. This method of prediction became popular with The Stock Traders Almanac, which presents statistics since 1934 showing with 80% accuracy that the market went up in the years when the Standard & Poors 500 Index rose in January, and fell in the years when the index for that month fell. The accuracy of the "January Barometer" predictions is estimated from 70 to 90%. The "January Barometer" itself...

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